
scary stuff!
Glad you are ok, go put your feet up and rest!
yeah it was scary, i have been crying for agaes i thought i was going to loose my baby:(
Awww hun. *big big big hugs*
At least you know everything is ok now.
Maybe you could try and get a little sleep for a while?
i am going to but i am in alot of pain, i feel aweful coz my bf is losing another day at work, he has been worried sick today, i dont know what i would do with out him:)
Aww its nice to know that he is there for you!
Maybe take a couple of painkillers?
Did they say you could do that?
yeah i just took paracetamol and they are givin me some antibiotics i have to pick them up later:)
Right now then.
If you dont want to go to sleep yet..maybe have a nice warm bath?
yeah i think i will try that:) thanks for your support i really needed it today:)
Aww you dont need to thank me.
Im always here! :D
Hope you feel a bit better after your bath..they usually help me relax :D
You pain in the bum you get me so worried... im so glad everything is alright. I bet you were so worried hun.... ((hugs)) you sound like your going through a ruff time. Try and relax sweetness... get your boyfriend to run round after you and go to the shop and buy you all your fav food, that always cheers me up :) seeing OH walk in with a bag full of goodies is the best feeling on earth :wink: hehe
its just nice to know that if i am in the house on my own i can talk to you ladies:) just chilling on the sofa at the mo and feeling a little better:)
Well i have gotta go to work now! :(
Put your feet up and chill out!
Hope your feeling better soon
im so glad your ok!!!!!!! ive been really worried

i thought it was a infection though :)
glad all is ok. i read this pot holding my breath!
its good your water infection is being treated. you'll feel much better in a few days. take it easy.
Get someone to go out and get you some soda water. that really helps with water infections as it nutralises acids. Add it to cranberry and its even tastier.

hugs littlelady - take care.
thanks everyone, you must all just think i am a big pain in the ass that worries too much:) I am glad everything is ok, my bf was nearly in tears coz he thought i was going to loose the baby, he has been so good to me today:)

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