worried spotting and cramps already!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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:shock:Well:shock: im def saying im pregnant now as took a few more tests last night and today and the lines keep getting darker :dance: but i have spotting and cramps already i know its just spotting coz its either pinkish or brownish but only like a bit of discolouration - but enought to notice clearly. But its sooooo early?!?!?! I didnt think the spotting was ment to happen till like week 7 onwards???? I bled quite bad with my first two but from like 7-8 weeks onwards and got cramps that feel like a period . . . but just disclouration im like huh :eh: any advice on what to do ladies im worried????????????
Dont they say that spotting from implantation can occur around when AF is due? Sorry I dont really know what else to suggest, hope you're ok xx
i dont know :sad: I just throught it was about 7 weeks plus - maybe it is implantation :eh::dance: that would be good but im still worried as didnt have this with my first two but i do know they are all diff but as were keeping fam in the dark i have no one to ask :(
Could be an implantation bleed. Where did you hear that it was 7 weeks onwards? I've never heard that before, and it's very common early on. Hope everything's ok :hug:
really? :yay: i have never hurd that before i just remeber docs sayin to me with the others that 7 weeks onwards its not un comon to get spotting coz its around the 2nd period would have been but i suppose coz i never got it earlier it wasnt brought up x x x x - made me feel happier now :) how long does it last for do you know? x x x x
Sorry I have no idea, but implantation bleeding is usually just before or around the time your period would be due (can still be later) so I'm sure it's nothing to worry about :D
Evie I had really really bad cramping early on and went to the hospital for a scan just to be sure, they said it was very common to experiance this so early on because everything is settling in, and spotting is also considered normal so early on.. The nurse told me if its a pink browny colour don't worry but if you have a heavy-ish bright red bleed to give the hosp a call.. Sonds perfectly normal to me though x
Hi Evie, me too - thought it was my AF starting but was implantation! Sooo happy for you xx I had cramps right from the beginning too - which i coulnd't remember having before but that was a while ago lol
o good it just like 20 mins here n 20 mins there and i can see most of it is dischare coz its creamy i will call it lol it just worried me x
Pregnancy does tend to worry us all - and knowing so early too - found that hard this time as never found out so early before!

even though this has been said i thought i would still add my little bit. :)

I had cramps from before my missed period, like you on and off lasting 15 minutes or so ish. Around the time of my first missed period i had light spotting and then again a few days later.
When i saw my doctor i was told it was normal and absolutely nothing to worry about. (hard not to worry i know!!!)

Hope you feel better xxxx
I'm sure implantation can occur around period time :hug:
it would be nice to be futher than i thought then mine my daughters birthday and the due date would be more spaced apart lol x

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