worried so tested hCG levels for the 2nd time


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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So I couldnt take it anymore and I had my hCG levels checked today.

At 4 weeks (April 5) my levels were 136
Today at 5 weeks (april 12) my levels came back 2286
Do they look good? :pray:
How did you test them hun by bloodwork at doctors?... they do sound excellent! no worries there.
i had bloodwork done yesterday because i cant actually quite get my head around the fact that im pregnant... im so angry they said they would call me this morning and didnt so i called them THERE CLOSED GRRRR i can get my Mother-in-law to go have a peek as she works at the drs office and has keys, but i dont want her to see it incase im imaganing everything or my count is low :( im so worried i know im being silly but i cant help it i just keep thinking this is all a big dream and the results are going to tell me im not actually preggo even though i got my bfps i feel sick and my AF is nowhere to be seen ... :x
I went to a Lab and got it tested without a docs prescription.
I just want to check
Sorry u didnt get a hold of the lab :hug:
i ahve just called my mother-in-law to get someone to call me with the results... shes such a wonderful person would do anything for anyone with all the patience in the world -and a million connections :wink: shes not old but certainly very wise lol. ok.. i found this hope this helps hun x

3 weeks LMP__ 5 --> 50 mIU/ml

4 weeks LMP__ 5 --> 426 mIU/ml

5 weeks LMP__ 18 --> 7,340 mIU/ml

6 weeks LMP__ 1,080 --> 56,500 mIU/ml

7 - 8 weeks LMP__ 7, 650 --> 229,000 mIU/ml

9 - 12 weeks LMP__ 25,700 --> 288,000 mIU/ml

13 - 16 weeks LMP__ 13,300 --> 254,000 mIU/ml

17 - 24 weeks LMP__ 4,060 --> 165,400 mIU/ml

25 - 40 weeks LMP__ 3,640 --> 117,000 mIU/ml

Low hCG levels
Low hCG levels may indicate a miscalculated date of conception, an ectopic pregnancy, or a possible miscarriage. However, a perfectly healthy pregnancy may have low hCG levels.

High hCG levelsHigh hCG levels may indicate a miscalculated date of conception, a molar pregnancy, or a multiple pregnancy.
Hopefully the info won't cause you to worry about things.

I'd really try to relax a little and wait for your reassurance scan (I'm sure you will be having one in a couple of weeks) I know its hard but you'll drive yourself silly with worry if tests maybe don't come back as you were hoping. And tests can be wrong remeber.

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