worried...please read


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2013
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Hiya everyone I got my bfp 8 days ago(1 clearblue , 2 superdrug , 2 morrisons , 2 ic's) had period type cramps on and off but no other symptoms. doctor estimated me to be 5weeks 5 days today but I don't feel pregnant. I'm worried something is going to go wrong when did you get your symptoms? thanks for reading xx
Hey :wave:

I didn't start getting nausea until about 6 weeks I think. I was pretty exhausted from around week 5. Try not to worry hun as everyone is different and some find that either their symptoms start pretty early on or quite late on. Oh yeah and I had the period type cramps around about 4-5 weeks, but they've gone now. x
hiya thanks for replying! I just want to feel pregnant haha! crongrats on your pregnancy xx
Haha! Wait until you get that nausea feeling, you'll take back those words :lol: Aww, I know what you mean though...even though the symptoms can be sucky, it's kind of reassuring in a way because at least you feel like you're pregnant. Im sorry, I didn't even congratulate you on your pregnancy! My bad! Huge congratulations!! x
yeah Il probably be wishing I didn't say anything but yeah it will be reassuring to know!! and its okay thank you though!xx
I didn't feel pregnant until I started throwing up 20+ times a day at 6 weeks xx
I've just had dark red/brown spots of blood when I wipe defo feel like something is wrong now xx
Try not to worry hun (easier said than done, I know) and see if you can get an appointment with GP or EPU first thing in the morning. In NI, I have to go to GP first and then they have to refer me to EPU, well that's what the doc told me, so I'm not sure how it works where you are. I'm hoping that everything is okay for you. x
I didn't get any nausea / sickness at all so I was quite pleasantly surprised at my 12 week scan when they confirmed there was definitely a baby in there! So try not to worry if you don't get any sickness. I am considering myself lucky to have avoided it now but it was just something to worry about at the time! Congrats on your pregnancy btw xx
I never really felt pregnant as I breezed threw it so it was only when I gave birth did I really know I had been pregnant lol
I only really feel pregnant when it turns out I'm having a girl...strange but true lol.
My last pregnancy the nausea hit me at about 5-6 weeks and floored me until around 14 weeks and I had a girl..this time round I'm 8+5 and don't feel pregnant at all. Very very occasional waves of nausea but nothing else. I had an early scan yesterday too so I know baby is definitly there lol. So im sure this one is a boy but time will tell.
Try not to worry yourself, everyone's different in pregnancy. Fingers crossed the nausea keeps and bay and you fly through it xx
I am 19+3 and have had no pregnancy symptoms at all, no nausea, sickness, sore boobs, nothing at all!
I was really worried but now i am starting to feel grateful i have been so lucky.
I've had a bit of a permanent cold and on/off itchy skin but nothing u would class as pregnancy related exclusively!
Try and relax, i think reading this forum it seems like everyone has morning sickness but the more people i have spoken to since announcing my pregnancy the more i have realised that lots of women have none at all x
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