Worried again


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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sorry i know im a pain but ive just phoned for my LFT (liver function) results and been told they are slightly abnormal and ive got to see the doctor im now getting really worried to what it is ive tried reading online and that scares the sh*t out of me even more.
i had the blood test done because ive had abit of itching over the last few weeks.
just wondered if anyone else knows what it is im so scared.
sorry to go on and i know ive been a pain over the last couple of days.
thanks in advance again girls
I would have said if it was that drastic they would have had you in then and there so try not to worry too much hun even though i know its hard :hug:
sarah113 said:
sorry i know im a pain but ive just phoned for my LFT (liver function) results and been told they are slightly abnormal and ive got to see the doctor im now getting really worried to what it is ive tried reading online and that scares the sh*t out of me even more.
i had the blood test done because ive had abit of itching over the last few weeks.
just wondered if anyone else knows what it is im so scared.
sorry to go on and i know ive been a pain over the last couple of days.
thanks in advance again girls
So weird! I just called for my results for the same thing and all they could tell me was I need to have a retest?! :think: I have no idea why?
I dont think its too much to worry about hun, well my MW wasnt too worried! Though she did say they will induce me if it came back saying things werent right but I was 37 weeks when she said that! I doubt they will induce you yet! :hug:

Heres some info I found
step away from the internet!!! it does no good for you or the baby to get stressed - i know that is easier said than done, as I have had a few panics myself!!
please don't worry - wait and see what the doc says - and if it is anything i'm sure they will treat/monitor you carefully :hug: :hug:
as kmac said hun dont go searching things on the internet it will bring up so totally irrelevant things which will scare you to death. As Hennaly said i am sure they would of had you in urgently if there was something serious wrong hun. Sending lots of hugs :hug: :hug:
hi Sarah,

I cant really offer any advice im sorry your having a hard time at the minute :(
I just want to agree with the others not to go searching the internet. Like Hennaly said, if they were really worried about you they wouldnt be waiting around they would have admitted you for observation at least.
I was in hospital last week with a suspected blood clot in my lung (turned out to be broken rib) but anyway my boyfriend had researched bloot clots and on the internet it made it sound like there was no hope for me and the baby and that the clot would go straight to my brain.
Bless him he was a right state. The internet will always tell you things in extremes as sadly its more interesting to read then 99% of cases where people are given some form of anti biotics and all is cured.

Its only normal to worry but dont let it dominate your mind.
Go and have a nice relaxing bath - all will be fine, you'll see :)
thankyou all im not as worried as what i was, i have an appointment with the doctor next monday so will know then
thanks again :hug: :hug:

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