Worried after ectopic pregnancy! Will I be able to have a baby?!


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May 23, 2014
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Hi everyone!
I'm new to this site so not too sure on how this works, but I'll give it a go!
I'm 18 years old, and about a month ago I was rushed into hospital with excruciating abdominal pains which had been building up for a few weeks. It came as a complete shock in the a&e tests to show that I was 10 weeks pregnant, and that the baby was not viable as it had started developing in my right Fallopian tube. The following few days were extremely traumatic; it was so cruel that no sooner had I become aware of this life inside of me that it was being taken away just as quickly. As the baby had grown so large it had caused the tube to rupture, and I had over 1.5 litres of internal bleeding. The baby and one of my tubes were removed.
I haven't really had anyone to speak to about this whole situation. The father I am not in a relationship with anymore, and I don't even feel he would want to know or care to talk about it. Though my parents have been very supportive, I think they are ashamed and disappointed of me, and I don't feel I can talk to them about it. I haven't confided in any of my friends as I just don't know what to say.
I thought I would write on here and ask anyone to share any similar experiences they have had, and I'm just worried for the future as I was told ectopic pregnancies can be a recurring thing. Has anyone had one in the past and successfully gotten pregnant afterwards? Or should I be aware of any complications?
Thanks to anyone who has taken the time to read this!
luna im so sorry to hear this but you are 18 years old. you are going to have plenty of chances to have a baby.. even if there is something wrong there is so much the nhs can do nowadays. believe me i know its hard losing a baby having lost 2 myself but you cant let it worry you about future pregnancys. This baby obviously wasnt meant to be. you 18 years old, dont worry and go and have some fun and sort yourself out and find someone who you will spend your life with before bringing another life into the world. im sure you will have a baby one day and be a fab mummy! just enjoy life first :) i wish u all the happiness and luck in the world xxx
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Hi hun.

Sorry to hear your news. Big hugs.

Ive had an ectopic which ruptured in my tube a few years ago and I totally understand the shock of discovering you are pregnant only to have it so cruelly snatched away before you have even been able to process it. It's a hard thing to go through, and with surgery on top and internal bleeding, you feel quite poorly anyway without all the emotional stuff on top. I imagine you feel very raw, confused and alone right now.

I was very worried that I would have huge problems conceiving with only one tube. I was also very worried that my only remaining tube would also be knackered and I would end up with another ectopic and no tubes at all. Well, to try and put some of your fears to rest, I conceived my beautiful son in February 2013 (I was on the pill I might add but it failed due to a sickness bug although we had just set our TTC date for a few months later anyway) and we have just conceived our second baby the first month we decided to NTNP.

There is hope after ectopic, although I know it doesn't seem like it at the time. Just take some time to process all your thoughts and allow yourself to heal as it is an incredibly traumatic thing to go through (especially alone) and I know how it leaves you with millions of unanswered questions.

Look after yourself honey, you will get through this xx
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Sorry to hear what you have gone through. My experience was very similar to yours. On February 16 I was taken to the hospital due to severe abdominal pain, had surgery the following day to remove our baby and my left tube as the pregnancy was ectopic and the tube had ruptured. We found out almost exactly two months to the day from surgery we're expecting again. It will take time to heal emotionally. All you can do it take it day by day.

Please don't feel ashamed by this. It's not your fault and there's nothing you could have done to prevent this from happening. In my case, I'm perfectly healthy and have had two previous uneventful pregnancies and deliveries.

There is hope for pregnancy after ectopic! When the time comes for you to have a baby, please be sure to let your doctor know (if you have a different one by then) as they will book you for early scans to ensure bean has landed in the right place.

Take care of yourself.
Im so sorry to hear youve went through this. I have never had an ectopic pregnancy so I cant comment there but I do only have 1 tube due to a cancer scare back in 2007 which resulted in my right ovary and right fallopian tube being removed. Due to the ovary not being there this resulted in me not ovulating. But I can confirm I conceived my DD in February 2011 and im 24weeks pregnant with a son, with only 1 ovary and 1 tube.

When the time comes for you to try for a baby, as mentioned, speak to your doc and he can refer you for scans and get you onto the correct vitamins and give u advise. But dont let it worry u (easier said than done I hear you say). Lots of women go on to have successful pregnancies after an ectopic.
Lots of love and as mentioned its not your fault so dont be ashamed. Surround yourself with people who are going to support you through this time xx
ironically im going through a mmc at the moment :( but i had a ectopic in 2007, lost my right tube, decided to not ttc for quite a while had depo n implant for the next few years, decided to have implant out in February 2011 got a bfp in sept 2011 and he my now 2 yr old was in the right spot! My current pregnancy although is a mmc and im devastated is in my womb so hunny there is most definitely hope!! Keep strong xxx
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