worried about tearing?!?!?!?!

I did the perineal massage every day for a month- still got a second degree tear. However, I was induced and baby came so quick- I only pushed for 15 minutes! The midwife tried to get me to hold back on pushing and my body actually started convulsing and pushing for me without me consciously doing it! So the midwife said to just do what body was telling me and she was born soon after. I think every birth is different, but I couldn't have stopped pushing if you gave me a million pounds!!

Didn't feel it tear though, and it only hurt for a few days after. I was worried before about this too but really there's no need to ��
Ibdidnt feel it either an I had a 3rd degree tear, you really do forget it all once baby has arrived
I dreaded this and ended up with a back 2 back baby that tore me 3rd degree because the midwives where in a rush to get him out instead of giving me time and trying a little harder to keep my vagina in tact. The actual cut and tear I never noticed it's the healing after that is awful! I never want another baby now because I don't want to risk tearing further or needing a c-section. I've never seen myself with loads of kids and I'm not broody anymore either so I'm ok with this. It's usually assisted delivery think forceps, ventouse where they need to cut and there is a change of tearing at too many places. Or when baby is born too quickly, this can be that baby is there suddenly within an hour but this can also be pushing too much at the end. Unless you tear actual muscles like I did which isn't even always the case I think even with 3rd degree it's not as awful as it seems. It's not nice but like me I was phobic of needing a needle in my spine during labour nevermind to then need it after for the stitching but I survived am sure so will you. You'll have the best care around you at the time and you will be giving after care (advise) too fingers crossed baby comes out without any tugs or tears :) x

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