worried about supply


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2012
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I'm busy having my usual, once a week panic that Molly isn't getting enough milk form me!I she is putting on weight, has plenty of wet and pooey nappies, and is a happy little soul, so I know she is, but I still worry.

The length of time she feeds on the breast varies so much. she can feed for as little as ten mins, or as much as forty. Anyone else's little ones the same? She has also started to be fussy about the bottle of expressed mill she has per day- she was holding down 5oz in no time, but now she is taking ages to finish it. I guess she could have been going through a growth spurt, and that was why she would take so much, but I am always panicking she isn't drinking enough.

She is 7 weeks tomorrow. :)
Hugs hun! C is 7 months and I still worry! I sometimes wish that my boobs had ounce indicators on them!!

The only way we can be sure is plenty of wet and dirty nappies alongside weight gain. You are doing fine and giving LO the very best xx

She's fine. I kept a record in the early days on an app as I worried about feeding but Harry was the same- random lengths of times for feeding.

But fear not, your bobbies are fab. We're 11 months in bf and H is a healthy weight xx
Hugs hun! C is 7 months and I still worry! I sometimes wish that my boobs had ounce indicators on them!!

The only way we can be sure is plenty of wet and dirty nappies alongside weight gain. You are doing fine and giving LO the very best xx
Wouldn't that be great then we'd all know our babies are getting enough. As long as she's putting on weight along with the nappies I would try not to wprey though easier said thendone hah xxx
Thanks ladies- she's definitely been putting on weight- 11lbs 8oz at 7wks- I'm so pleased! I guess I will be worrying about something for the rest of my life now- the joys of having children! :D

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