Weaning & milk supply?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Willow has one and a bit solid feeds a day. She has a feed around 11am then she has a smaller feed around 7pm-by smallerfeed I mean half a banana or a bit of stewed apple or something ( she actually had borschch today: I never thought she'd eat it,but I suppose you can't be a member of this family without liking borschch :roll: )

between times she'll have a BF: usually as soon as she wakes up in the morning (around 7) then a couple of times during the day, and at night.

Problem is, milk supply seems to have gone down :shock: I'm only pumping out around 3oz each morning whereas before I used to get about 7oz easily. This means that when i express for during the day when I'm at school,she's getting less milk....but she's getting the solids too...is this ok? She seems to be happy enough, but I'm worried she's not geting enough milk...cause i seem to be producing less, I mean it's not like she's on loads of solids. :? I really don't want to have to resort to formula or anything

I know I probably made absolutely no sense there..but is my supply meant to be going down once she's on solids? etc etc.....
Well yes, feeding her solids will fill her tummy abit more than with milk, so she will be taking less breastmilk and it wil be at different times and length of times.

You will get less in the pump, I suggest you set aside a time you can do it everyday and have a really good pumping session, making sure its the same time everyday and to begin with do a super pump ( pump abit faster and for longer ) and eventualy a few days later it should increase for that time of day.

Just like feeding another baby :lol: routine is just as important when pumping.

At this age she does need her milk in the day, Oli didnt stop having it in the day until she was around 10/11 months old.
Hey chick

Please don't worry - this happened to me too. Admittedly DD has been on 3 meals a day from about 6.5 months plus 2 courses at each sitting from about 7 months - so a lot more than Willow - but my milk supply has decreased dramatically, so much so that I can't now feel which boob is heavier than the other (and therefore which one I need to feed from next!). My milk supply lessened so much that I got my first post-baby AF 3 weeks ago when DD was 7 months and we'd been weaning for approximately 5 weeks.

I am going with the idea that my milk supply is regulating itself - I know that formula fed babies of a similar age are now dropping a morning feed and down to 3 feeds a day so I guess its similar. I don't know how much Willow feeds from you/EBM now, but my DD takes a fairly long (10 mins) 7am feed, sometimes a mid-morning snack at around 11.30amish and a mid-afternoon snack at around 3pm and then a bedtime longer breastfeed (10/15 mins) at around 6.45pm. She also has about 2/2.5oz EBM mixed with her porridge each morning. I've no idea how much she takes per day but reckon she must know what she's doing (hopefully) and my supply will be regulating itself to suit.

I'm not great on expressing, like you, I used to be able to get out more - 5/6oz no bother, now I struggle to express 2oz each evening for her breakfast the next day.

Don't worry babe, your body and Willow are very clever and everything will be fine. Follow Tasha20's expressing guidelines as above as they sound great.

P.S. What is borschchchch? Does it involve beetroot?

Valentine Xxx
I know its hard to judge with BF but between 6-12months she should be getting 15-20oz milk a day along with her solids. Don' forget you can make some of this up with milk in cooking (you can use full fat cows milk for this) :D

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