Worried about scan...


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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I'v just recieved my appointment for my growth scan through the post which is next wednesday because midwife thinks babys measuring abit big, was just wondering if anyone else gets really worried and scared in the days leading up to the scan wondering if theres going to be something wrong with baby :( . I get myself all worked up but i think iv just forgot how good it is to see my little one and after i'v been i always think...'god what was i worried about i want another scan!!' x
I doubt there is anything wrong. I had my growth scan on Monday and all was fine, just LO is apparently a biff! You may have more fluid than they realise or some such also. I think there is more concern if baby is small as it could indicate possible placenta problems etc.

They just like to see where babies are on the scale of things so they can prepare. However there is a wide margin of error in scans this late so don't read too much into them and get overly worried.
I was very nervous before my scans, expecting them to find something wrong! It's natural to worry, but you'll find that once you're there and you can see bubs again, the anxiety will pass very quickly.
It's very common and natural to get worried before a scan. Once you get there you'll love having the extra chance to see baby :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: I know how you feel hun. I had a second growth scan yesterday and I STILL worried that something would be wrong :wall: Of course when I saw baby he looked fine, just big LOL Its totally natural to worry. If its not about scans it will almost certainly be something else we find to worry about - its a womans nature :)

Its natural to worry, but seen as you see your Lo you'll be really pleased, i'm waiting for a scan appointment too, and i know i'll be nervous but once i've been i wonder what they worry is about, you recieved your scan appointment fast, must be a efficient hospital
Got my appointment for my growth scan, its next tues, so not long to wait, was worried baby would be born before got the appointment.

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