Worried about eating


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I am worried I am not eating enough.
My heartburn is so bad I don't eat during the day just drink water. I have my tea but then I am in agony with the heartburn :-( I have gaviscon advance from docs it helps for like 2 secs then it's back. I am worried that I am gonna effect the baby but I can't face eating :-(
Any advice would be great

Go back to the docs and get the pill that some of the other girls have recommended on here! I was just about to do a thread about it actually as the doctor prescribed me peptac and it's about as effective as a chocolate fire guard.

Asdas own brand antacid tablets work well for me! They're easier to chew than the gaviscon tablets and keep the heartburn at bay for longer. Just not away completely :(! They seem a lot more effective as well and seem to work straight away
ah poor you x x ive only had this slightly and thats bad enough x x i find milk or mints help x x sorry not much help

maybe a fruit smoothies would help it will have all the goodness in for you and bubs x x
Its omeprazole. I can't function without it because I had stomach problems before the pregnancy.
I can recomend remegel, theyre like mint flavour chews for heartburn x
Not much help but do you only get heartburn when you eat? I'm wondering if there is a way to eliminate what foods cause it? I can sympathise. I don't get it often, thank god, but have it tonight, and bloody hell, it burns like a mo fo doesn't it?! I don't know what I could have eaten that's caused it, but I've had a few fizzy drinks and wonder if that was it.
No it's there most of the time tbh I have tried cutting out spicy food, carbonated drinks etc but doesn't make any difference l! Think a trip to docs is in order

Water can actually make it worse. Maybe try.milk shakes or smoothies so you're still getting calories, calcium fat etc, but don't worry about not taking in enough as baby will take what it needs anyway. I found porridge quite good as filling, heavy and bland and didn't upset my run too much x
you need to go and see the doctor again, you should be eating more than you are, its really important! heartburn is a bugger, i've got it too but sounds like yours is a lot worse. u should be eating more in the day hun, go and get it sorted xxx
Definitely go back to the doctors hun
I haven't been eating much lately, was going to mention it to my midwife, I just don't have an appetite :( xxx
I used to use milk to get rid of mine but now finding that any dairy products I eat just make it worse! Also cutting out particular foods didnt seem to make any difference either. I think its just here to stay now :(
dairy is better for you than water with heartburn.

try milkshakes with fruit (non citrus) added or yogurts but not the low fat ones.

avoid spicy foods as much as u can as that irritates it.

i find remegel are good but cant take them in the night as i start to gag on them so use Rennie ice.
I dont have heartburn but have no appetite at all and have only eaten 2 bowls of cereal in 24hrs for the last couple of weeks but was told that it doesnt matter how much or how little I eat baby will only take as much as she needs, its me that will either gain or lose weight ( losing it in my case- you could play the zylaphone off my ribs through my clothes).

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