worried about bleeding


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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it been happening on and off all month, before i even knew i was pregnant (and wasnt ttc so had no idea i was- since i went on pill in feb my "periods" have been messed up- too light when theyre on and still spotting when they shouldnt be there at all, etc.) and it was normal really. mostly last week it was brown, but after having sex the other nite (from behind and i'm tiny and my boyf is hugeeeeeeeeee- sorry tmi! :oops: ) since then has been bright red.

but that was monday nite, and since then it's not getting any heavier, i only need pantliners and only change them every 5 or 6 hours or so. and theres no cramps. would m/c be more rapidly- escalating?

got docs app in a couple hours. i do hope all is well :pray:

oh, and i told my parents last nite! what a weight lifted off my shoulders. felt like a little schoolgirl again tho :roll: now everyone knows!
awwww i dnt have any advice hun but i hope everything is ok, keep us updated
:hug: Aww hunny im sure everything is fine, bleeding in early pregnancy is common.

Im glad you feel better now you have told your parents hun :hug:

Let us know how it goes :hug:
Hope you got on ok at the dr's and everything's ok :hug: :hug:
hope yr ok huni, :hug:

just spoke to you on text i know but sending huge hugs yr way and glad you have had a good chat with your parents,

lots of love and hugs il text you tomos :hug: :hug:
i guys been asked from trix to post to you all as she cant get online at the moment but im sure she will be around later,

anyway she had her hcg results back and its 961 and wondering what this mean good or not so good?
or what is normal hcg for 5 weeks?

she has to go back to the hospital again on friday night to see if it has doubled so she has an anxious few days ahead of her and obviously a little worried so if anyone can help her out with any replies id be greatful and i can text her back

thank you :hug:
At 5 weeks the level can be 18 to 7340 so hopefully that means all is ok will depend on whether its going up or not when she goes back. Fingers crossed for Trix :hug: :hug:
Week 5 Gestational Age (Fetal age 3 weeks)

hCG levels can have quite a bit of variance at this point. Anything from 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml are considered normal at 5 weeks. Once the levels have reached at least 2000, some type of development is expected to be seen in the uterus using high resolution vaginal ultrasound. If using a transabdominal ultrasound, some type of development should be seen when the hCG level has reached 3600 mIU/ml. Although development may be seen earlier, these levels provide a guide of when something is expected to be seen.
:hug: I agree with Snuggle, they vary.

:pray: Praying they go up for her, I am sure you are fine though Trix :hug:

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