worried about bleeding

when i was exactly 5 weeks, my HCG level was 697.... and that was fine according to the docs.... So she's probably all good :)

Good luck trixi
Tracey its not what the level is today its whether they are doubling that matters - that initial number looks fine but she would want to see it increasing (doubling by Friday night if at all possible). There are sites that you can track your doubling time on the internet - hmmmmm I think its called betabase.com.

:pray: that all will be ok for her

Jane x

Only just catching up on here after a while....just saw you are PG!

Hoping all is well sweetheart, big hugs xxxx
i beld very heavy in both pregnancys, spent the first 20 weeks of each up and down to hospital more times then i care to remember. I was CONVICED more then once i was mis-carrying.

...Needless to say i have two healthy beautiful girls :D

dont worry too mcu h hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for all the messages guys and i know trix really appreciates it iv passed on a few messages but i know she will be replying and posting more as soon as she gets back online :hug: :hug:
thanku tracey for keeping us updated :hug:

sorry not been on guys- had a right mission yesterday- basically went to docs at 4pm, doc was running late as he'd gotten stuck somewhere so didnt get to see him til 5.20, was with him for half an hour then sent straight to royal bolton hosp, millie was with me my boyf was in london and i really thought i was miscarrying, i could feel lil bits of blood slide out like when im on a period (sorry tmi). iv only ever been to a&e there i didnt know my way around so had to ask a porter for directions to early pregnancy unit (epu) and then trek about 10 minute walk thru the hosp up and down stairs and stuff carrying my 25lb toddler on the tired shoulders of my 7st. 5lb frame- i felt proper sorry for myself! to get to epu had to walk past maternity wards and neonatal units- thought the hosp planner hadnt thought that out too well, bit of lack of tact on his/her behalf! anyway got in and this MW altho pleasant enough was really patronising, perhaps coz i look young and she asked if the pregnancy was planned and i said no (with hindsight i shouldve lied coz i got impression that she thought i was a silly little girl or something after that), she asked when my last period was and i told her oct. 15th, which she said made me 4wks 6 days (erm, oct. 15 was a wednesday tho, same as yesterday was? isnt that 5 weeks like my ticker said? :? :think: ) and she looked at me sort of smiling and screwing her nose up a bit as she was explaining about the hcg blood tests "so, it might be just a period then"! :eek: so i told her i'd done 3 tests one of them a digi with conception indicator which had read 2-3 weeks. later she did kindly let me use the fone (i'd only left my mobile at my parents', so no-one knew where me or millie were at 8pm, past millie's bedtime!) and she said AGAIN "it might just be a period" :wall: GRRR wasnt she listening to me, i told her i'd taken 3 tests :wall: :roll: whether or not she thought i was so stupid i couldnt read the word "pregnant" or understand that a bright blue cross means positive, or i was making it all up for attention or something, oh i dont know she made me feel about 14. she wasnt horrible or anything but i just thought ffs im not a dumb ass.

anyway this morning i was told the results had been 961, and i need to go back on friday nite to check if they double :pray:

feeling bit better today, bleeding is no more heavy and there is no pain. only on pantliners and not soaking them or anything (sorry tmi!) iv got loads more to write but boyf wants to go to bed. hope its just to sleep coz iv been told im not allowed sex :(

these are the tests i took im not going mad am i? they positive right? lol


yes they are all deffo pregnant hun, i would'nt worry about it hun they checked mine to make sure and they asked me the same stupid questions ect.
when i had my bloods done with this pregnancy they did not double every 2-3 days they were only going up by 70%, which i got told was ok by the doctor (as long as they are going up by 60%+ alls fine)
hope all goes well hun, good luck :hug: :hug:
what an awful woman!!

honey, you're not stupid. you can see a blue cross and read the word 'pregnant'. I'd just go there for the medical tests/advice and ignore her comments. She clearly has power issues silly old witch.

Glad things seem to be going well for you and good luck!
:hug: Blooming heck hun!

They are Deffo pregnant!!! you are deffo pregnant!!

What and awful thing to go through, as if it aint bad enough!

:pray: praying for you hun
I am convinced they put all the dragon midwifes in the EPU units :D They are so matter 'a' fact - when we went through our problems last year we were told to go to the EPU for a blood test - she shouted across the whole unit "this woman is not on my list - does anyone know if she is actually pregnant!!" - of course I have nothing better to do than go up to the EPU to try and get them to do an unnecessary bloodtest on a Thursday morning for fun!!

Take no notice - you are definately pregnant - hopefully now you will be treated with some compassion. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x
OMG :shock: ROM how awful!!

What is wrong with them, do they really have that many timewasters? I really dont see it to be true :think: You dont turn up to epu without good reason!!
:shock: aww hun thats awful :hug: :hug: :hug: sadly i can totally relate.

When i was bleeding particuly bad with emily one evening, litrally flooding off my feet, i had to use a hand towl ect, by the time i was seen by a midwife/nurse (id changed my clothes b4 the hospital ect) i was still bleeding but not flooding, she asked if i would do a urine sample (in them dish things) i did and when she took it off me she said 'well theres no blood in there, so you couldnt have been 'flooding'......'


like i made it up or somthing.... grrr at such a sceary time thats the last thing you need! (luckily i had my mum with me who HAD seen everything to back me up, otherwise i think she would have thought i was a stupid kid)

hope you ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
Royal Bolton?? Eeep! That's where I'll be going. Hmm wonder if I can apply for Fairfield or Blackburn??? :think: :think:

What a horrid woman. If pg tests are good enough for a doc then why not a midwife? Hope it goes well tonight hun. If all goes well for us we could be in the beds next to each other on the delivery ward!!! :shock:

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