solids or formula?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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melissa will be 17 weeks old on sunday. shes around 15lbs; very long.

for the last couple of months she has been going at least 6 hours at nite b4 waking 4 a feed, and only needing one nite feed.

but for the past week shes been wanting 2 or 3 nite feeds and last nite she woke 4 times :wall:

also 2nite she cried thru her bath and screamed her head off while i was dressing her she was so hungry, when i fed her she was on for a good 45 minutes, and it was a good feed there was lots of swallowing and no fussing etc.

she just seems hungrier, as if my milk is not satisfying for more than 2 hours :(
do u think its best 2 think about weaning now, or would formula help/ be better?
I started weaning Leif around the age your lo is now so its ok to do it if you think she needs it.
I wouldnt put millie on formula trixiepaws, shes so use to BM that i think formula would upset her stomach.
Why not try weaning her and giving her a little baby rice to start off with in the early evening, it night settle her and make her nsleep better fpr you again.
thanx guys, if its another bad nite i might try that 2mro.
Babies go through a massive growth spurt at 4 months which can also be confused with them needing solids. You could always see if after 2-3 days things are a bit better again, I'm sure that once she's boosted your supply things will settle down again.
I agree with Kina, it does sound like growth spurt behaviour. She is still quite young for solids (the minimum recommendation is 17 weeks) and introducing formula or solids would interfere with her getting your milk supply up. Its tough but will soon settle down again, just feed her when she wants it and soon she will space her feeds out agai.
Maybe you could top her up with a hungry baby formula in smaller amounts than the BM?
My friends LO went through a similar thing trixipaws, and she's fully BF, and she tooak a LONG time to adjust to formula and must say it was quite hard watching her cry for breast and not wanting the bottle&formula, though she sleeps longer through the night now and my friend has 2 older boys so it was more a need for her than an absolute. However, she took lovely to baby rice and other solids (mushed up obviously), so I'd say solids from the experience of my friend's little girl.
Very best wishes with whatever you decide :hug:

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