

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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Hey all,

Just a quick one! Do any of you ladies out there work in retail? If so how are you coping with morning sickness??? Its bad enough trying to get to work on the bus without throwing up or finding anything I even look at disgusting, let alone having to try cope with it serving customers. Today for instance, I'm on my own until half past one and I've already had to be sick in a carrier back in the stockroom as there's no way I'd reach the loos in time..gross I know!! My boss knows but as I'm not even 8 weeks yet I don't know how to explain why I would need to be dashing to the loo every 2 mins.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated!

Have a good day

Oh I feel really sorry for you - at least your boss knows so can be sympathetic (well a bit anyway). I think you should maybe try to get anti sickness bands and give them a go. I work in retail (I'm a travel agent) and I have people at my desk sometimes for hours at a time and I swear I must have gone green on more than one occassion. I am lucky in the fact that I never actually was sick but felt sick 24/7. Really hard to keep your composure when dealing with public.... Hope it all passes soon - I started feeling better about week 9 and now it just comes and goes but when I dont eat so need to get the healthy snacks on the go!! As soon as I forget to eat, I start feeling sick

Take care x
Yeah i work i retail. i know how u feel. luckily im off today =) im on tills, theres days when women come in with a full bottle of perfume on and i get really queasy. Also people who arent that clean, yikes! The worse one has got to be buttys that go through the till, i stare at them and it freaks me out x x
Thanks for your replies girls!

I've not been too bad for the last hour or so so fingers crossed that's it for today! Although I seem to get it at night too. I've had my OH looking on the net for me, so I'm going to try the eating little often approach and see how I get on. Its abit hard working in a dept store where you are watched constantly but what can I do? We are going to stock up on crackers etc when I finish work.

I totally know what you mean about smelly people, whether its good or bad! Even looking at certain things set me off! Xx
I was on checkouts yesterday and someone who smelled like an ashtray really set me off :sick:
It was all I could do not to heave!!
I suffered really badly until 14 weeks, I worked in a coffee shop so lots of food and other smells going around and the loos were a mile away (we were based in a tesco and didnt have toilets of our own) so i spent a long time in the staff room throwing up.... And the staff around me were not supportive at all, they were pissed off that I wasn't doing my job properly, and they all knew it was morning sickness. :(

touch wood i have not had any sickness yet.....yet!!!! lol.....i am a mortgage advisor so it'a going to be awful if i do get morning sickness...i dread to think to be honest xx
I don't work in retail but I do have to be on the phone most of my day at work. Luckily I did not get all out sickness just felt sick.

I found mints like polo's helped me hun - that and constantly eating lol x
God you poor thing, I work in retail but lucky for me once I was sick getting up that was it. I couldnt have coped in a cafe situation no way. :-(
yep..the constantly eating thing seems to be a popular biscuits i have been told x
I've been at the polo mints as well! And the snackajacks x
Well the little, often approach has worked today! There was only one instance where I had to hold my scarf to my mouth just incase. And of all things that could have set me off it was a cardboard box!! Anyway, crackers,fruit and ginger biscuits are on my shopping list now!

are you feeling sickly aunny? xx

I get teeny waves but have only heaved so far. No sickness :yay: she said tempting fate...
How about you?

Robtans1st lol at the cardboard box! Aw!


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