Workaholic - BUT i've decided to finish work in 4 weeks !


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Just needed to write a sort of blog entry really - needed someone to talk to

I am now just over 31 weeks and at my 31 week MW appt i'm embarrassed myself by bawling my eyes out
Baby is still breech and sleeping is the bane of my life - i am so so tired and work is busy with me travelling round the UK about 3 times per week, sometimes staying away, then being bombarded with emails and tasks when i get home (where my work base is), its like i never stop.

So i cried and cried and cried at my appointment and Carol was lovely to me, she made me feel better and gave me some tips for getting to sleep, and asked if i had finished work yet ....... of course my answer was no and i knew what was coming next :(

I chatted on the phone to my bosses yesterday and they said i must take breaks when i need them and have offered to help me out, so that was nice - sometimes working on your own you end up thinking that no-one cares or understands when actually all i needed to do was tell them.

I had decided to work up to my due date, but had 2 weeks holiday to take before that, so it worked out that i would finish the 2nd week of December, but i have taken the plunge and changed this and now finish on the 21st November :cheer: and i feel like a weight has been lifted. I am much happier

How can the thought of finishing work in 4 weeks (albeit for only 4 months before i go back part time, working only from home) make me feel so much better ?? I am sleeping better since sorting this out and feel more excited about everything.

So, for any workaholics out there, you may feel like superwoman and that you HAVE to work as late as possible, but if you can, give yourself a bit of a break and finish a little early - giving yourself some time before LO arrives - I never thought i would need to, but its made everything seem much much better :D
awwww glad you have sorted it out hun :hug: xxxxxxx
hey naterjack im a workaholic too! i finish next thursday when i will be 39+1, tho i must admit i did it to get my october paypacket!

glad u feel so much better, i saved my annual leave so iv been doing 3 days a week for the last 6weeks and i found that helped so much and gave me a taste for part time! so i know what u mean about the relief. saying that im very energetic and nesting at the mo which i why i think iv mananged to keep going!! i definately had times really early on where i just never thought id be able to!

not long for u now then, u can start the count down :)
HIya hun, i am far from a workoholic (9-5 in an office) but i am very stubburn at taking time off work due to a period of illness last year, so was determined to work up until 4 weeks before baby is due (was originally gonna try 2 weeks)

Ive also found sleep very difficult from quite early on and was going into work like a zombie most days. Walking was also hurting like hell. I finally gave in and agreed to leave a week earlier than planned by using 4 days of next years hol upfront.

Like yourself, it felt like a whole weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Although i am trying to keep a little busy by going out or meeting someone once a day, its so much easier not to have to get up at 7am every day and get home after 6pm to then cook dinner.

For anyone conisdering bring their maternity forwar a little.. do it and dont feel guilty!

Claire x
Sounds like you have definitely made the right decision and good to hear you are sleeping better already!
I used to travel a lot with previous jobs and dont think I could do it now, and Im weeks behind you!!

Enjoy your :sleep:
I worked up til 2 weeks before Ricky was born, then spent 2 weeks nesting like a woman possessed, I allowed myself no rest whatsoever in those 2 weeks, I won't make that mistake again (gave up work this year). Sometimes we thrive on stress and negative energy without realising it's physically affecting us. It's good to work for as long as you can, cos the time after is more important, but you do have to remember that life isn't going to be very peaceful for some time after having a baby so it's important to sit down and switch your mind off whenever you can.
EllieBelle said:
Sounds like you have definitely made the right decision and good to hear you are sleeping better already!
I used to travel a lot with previous jobs and dont think I could do it now, and Im weeks behind you!!

Enjoy your :sleep:

My boss told me a couple of weeks ago that he doesn't want me to travel to site visits etc anymore. Which means that I'm office-bound and ever so slightly frustrated, as I can't see things through to the end on my own anymore. I'm still planning on working until two weeks before due date and then using up holidays, also just because of the finances (and I want to save the time for when Horatio's born).

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