Work in a school?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2011
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Anyone else work in a school? I am finding it so hard deciding on names-because its more than likely there will be someone that reminds me of that name!! I know i have ages yet-but i want a name chosen!

Me and OH love the name Arnie but i know 1 kid at school with this name and although he is lovely its like we'd be naming our LO after him. Also 1 of OH's mums dog is called arnie.

I quite like old style names that are already shortened and names that end in "IE" Sounding.
I work in a school hun and I know what you mean names do remind us of certain people there are a few jacks in my school who are little characters putting it mildly he he
Haha excatly...When OH suggest a name i'm like no---thats a naughty name! haha
Yep, there are some beautiful names out there, and some beautiful children too but the odd one or two do put me off, what years do you work with? I'm with reception, yr 1&2 on a 6wk rota, just lunch times, its enough for me right now lol x
yr 7-13...They seem to make the names look/sound horrible if they're not very nice people.
i dont work in a school but loads of my friends have kids and a few have had babies recently and used names i wanted :(

How about freddie or charlie for names ending in 'ie'
i worked in a nursery so i know what you mean! dh suggests names and i say no!

we have both gone off the name we originally had picked and now im going off our girls name. just gonna call baby Pip i think! lol!
I work in a school hun and I know what you mean names do remind us of certain people there are a few jacks in my school who are little characters putting it mildly he he

Oopsie!! Hee hee. Luckily i've never met another Jack but I defo know what you mean! I've been in childcare for 11 years and most names were banned for us! lol x
I'm a teacher and we are so limited! Couldnt possibly give it a 'naughty name!' ha ha
Oh god! I know exactly what you mean! Oh was set on the name Holly if we evr ave a girl and all I could think was one little un I had a placement with for like 6 months and she was a right litte madame! He still keeps trying to convince me but we've come to the mutual agreement of Caoimhe lol! And I did pick Hayden after my first key child was such a darling for me but a rum 'un for others!

Thought I was the only on who had a list of 'naughty names' lol!
I know excactly what you mean! I too work on a school, and it's difficult to decide. I've also "given" away some names to friends when I wasn't ttc, because I didn't think it would be that hard to find a name. I've thought about or Maya if we're team pink (it's a Spanish name, but I really like it) and since I'm from Norway, it's normal with names ending in -len for girls.

If we're having a boy, I haven no idea! I like old names from the middle ages and Viking times, I find them very exotic, but hubby doesn't always agree with me... (he has a very uncommon name and says he has to struggle each time he calls someone and says his name, but I think it's really nice).
Yep I am a teaching assistant and have spent my whole time going no we had naughty kids with that name or thats a naughty boys name. lol
My OH really likes Charlie - I do too but it is the name of one of the boys I am looking after at the moment and although he is a really nice kid I think it would be weird to be at work looking after Charlie then go home to be with my baby Charlie! Lots of names are off our lit because I have looked after children with same names, even if they aren't naughty!
:) My cousin and neice are both Charlies so thats off the table anyway!
I work in a local authority dealing with schools so i get to see 40,000 names!!!
Both my parents r teachers! Nightmare, got lucky with my little girl, neither parent had taught a lily!!! X
oooh tricky one for you teacher types then - well at least you will get to know what names are getting too common and the years pass at school and you see the new intakes of names

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