Work have really upset me


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Well before i went on holiday (about 3 weeks ago) I was getting stressed at work to the point that i locked myself in the toilet and cried my eyes out, my manager came in and was talking to me, she knows im pregnant. I went back to my desk once I felt better took a call and a customer started having a go so it set me off again, I dropped the phone and burst into tears.
Now I have been getting something ready in work to present in a presentation tomorrow, the Finance Director's pa was meant to help me but hardly has, anyway i worked an hours over time last night (which I dont get paid for) and have been in the office since 6.50am this morning working on this pack. This afternoon we presented it to the Finance Director who basically said it was shit, I said 'sorry 1 minute' and went to the toilets as i had started crying, my emotions got the better of me plus i am full of a cold. Nobody bothered to check i was ok. I went back into the Finance directors office only me and her were in their, she said to me right we need to sort this pack out, and I heard about your tears whilst i was away, now it doesn't help and that will be the last of the tears, so i got upset and said its an emotional time for me and i felt you were dissapointed about the pack, she said yes i am and i get emotional around the time of the month, she knows im pregnant. Continued to work on the pack with me taking control until 7.15pm tonight knowing that i had been in since 6.50pm. Feel she didn't give a shit about my feelings or my health at all.
Discusting, her not u lol. Hope u were having proper breaks, but not only that, u shudnt be working that many hours and the stress surely cant be doing u any good. I would have a couple of weeks on sick with stress :) just to thank her for being so nice xx
Awful, especially since they know you're pregnant. Sorry to say it but in some companies you really are just a number. No-one cares about your health and wellbeing as much as you do so maybe it's time to stop giving them so much of your time/effort and think of number one. I'd take a few weeks off with 'pregnancy related illness'. They won't be able to do anything about it and maybe then they'll appreciate the work you a bit more in your absence.

My work have been really good to me since finding out i'm pregnant which is why i make the effort to haul my ass in everyday even if i feel horrendous (which i do most days). But if i felt like i was being taken for granted i wouldn't bother, end of. Hope it works out for you hun, you take care of yourself and try not to stress too much xxxxx
Thank you so much Charlie and Bee, I would consider having time off but i would only get paid for 7 days wouldn't I? You words mean so much to me as she made me feel so alone as our HR department wouldn't have been helpful xxx
It depends on the policy your employers have about sickness. At worst u can claim ssp not sure how much it is but its better than nothing. Look on the goverment web site and find out how much it is. I would love my work to pee me off, i could do with a couple of weeks sick. U wud have to get a doc to sign u off, but sure that wud be easy. Good luck hun xx
Aww thanks Charlie you and Bee have really helped me feel better and that im not alone, its hard when there is no-one to turn to in work, and OH doesn't fully understand.
I want you to know how much I appreciate you writing on my thread and it has made such a difference to me, don't know what id do without PF xxxxx
Andrea, I know all about crappy bosses - and I wasn't even pregnant at the time! I think it's disgusting how you were treated, they should realise how lucky they are to have someone who, despite being pregnant and thinking of their baby, is willing to put in extra time to ensure things are completed. It is awful. I left my job (not suggesting you do that btw!!) because of my boss, I had to be signed off with stress as she put me in hospital for a week with her bullying towards me (again, not suggesting this was bullying, but it certainly wasn't nice!!).

Keep your chin up and think about your little baby, as that is now what matters the most over your job.

Big hugs, you've had a poop day, but fingers crossed tomorrow is better xxxx
Ah why are some people sooo horrible! pregnancy is hardley the same as time of the month emotions!

Start afresh from tomorow hun - do what you can and no more, I know your trying to do the best job you can and give your all, but now your preg, I would start on time and leave on time, your contracted hours and no more. They can't ask more than than and have no leg to stand on if it went to HR. I'm a loyal worker, but no you need to think of you more. Once it's annouced at work and more people know, no one normal worker wise will expect you to be staying long hours , so that will make it easier very soon, and your boss can feel very guilty if she does expect more!!

You will start feeling more human and get a new lease of life soon as you start the trimester 2 , sok that will lift you no end - hang in there , Tri 1 is very long at the time x
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Thank you so much for all your comments and information, its made me feel that people care which I think is important dealing with all these emotions xx

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