Hi Girls, I know that what I am about to moan about is not a serious problem but I have been so upset today! I am living in Denmark and DH made an appointment with the doctor but she doesn't speak english! I told him I need an english speaking doctor as my danish is not so good and he told me to ring around as he's going to work. I got so upset, I'm already scared about whats coming up in the next 9 months without not understanding whats going on. For him to call a doctors office is a simple conversation whereas for me it is stressful and awkward trying to make myself understood. He has had to go to work a 24 hour shift and has rang to apologise 3 times already but I just don't think he understands how it feels to be in my position. I honestly feel like moving back to London today! This has to be the hormones, is anyone else crying at the slightest little thing?