Work advice

Daniel's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2007
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Evening ladies,

As my maternity pay has stopped times are getting hard. I w?as hoping to be a stay at home mummy but I think if I got a job it would stop me worrying about money so much.

I was made redundant whilst on mat leave so don't have a job to go back to. I don't really want to put Daniel into nursery so I was thinking maybe an evening job so that my OH can babysit (no childcare fees).

Just wondering what you guys do? For the money I would earn is it worth it? Are you knackered in the day if you work in the evenings?

Sorry to be a bore on such a gorgeous evening!
Daniel's Mummy said:
Evening ladies,

As my maternity pay has stopped times are getting hard. I w?as hoping to be a stay at home mummy but I think if I got a job it would stop me worrying about money so much.

I was made redundant whilst on mat leave so don't have a job to go back to. I don't really want to put Daniel into nursery so I was thinking maybe an evening job so that my OH can babysit (no childcare fees).

Just wondering what you guys do? For the money I would earn is it worth it? Are you knackered in the day if you work in the evenings?

Sorry to be a bore on such a gorgeous evening!

Up untill March I was working 29 hours a week for 4 days as an Admin Assistant and my Mum was having Harrison 3 and half days and he'd go to nursery for 2 afternoons but that was through choice as we wanted him to be around other children but now we're struggling too because I lost my job and my Mum has had to find one now, shes got a job on nights so i'm only limited to what hours a week I do which is very hard, for now though I'm going to look/apply to tesco or shops that are open 24hrs and just work evenings and weekends, Its not ideal but if you need then money then thats what its got to be, I don't want Harrison going without. When he starts Nursery or School I know that then I can get a proper job and have a career. Working evenings I can only assume you would be tired, I know I probs will be but I have to do it. Sorry I've babbled on lol, I'm not sure if I've helped, I hope you manage to decide what to do.
While you are looking for a job to help you out with money and help looking you should be able to get contrinution based jobseekers allowence from the job centre it gos on the NI conts you paid while working as long as you worked 2 consec years it dont matter when you OH works if you are Married it works out to £121 a fortnight and you can get it for 6 months thats what i did unfortunatly i still dont have a job but the money helped out.

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