being induced 2mrw- need advice plz


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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well im now 9 days over had sweep on friday and so far hasnt worked. so im being induced 2mrw with the gel. - have any of u had this done ? how long does it take to work ? midwife said that my cervix was soft and thinning and 1cm dilated - - will this help speed things up :bored: :bored: ?

would like to know how long the gel took to work for you lot who have had it done.

thanks Rhian and ova due bump. xxx
I've not been induced before sorry, but I knwo you favourable for induction if you cervix if short (thin), soft and starting to dilate. So hopefully it shouldn't take too much to coach that baby out! xx
Hi ya.

I was induced a couple of weeks ago but it was with the pessarie. When they induced me id had a sweep the day before and i had just had my show. I was 2 cm dilated and my cervix was soft, but it was still high.

I had the pessery on the friday night and had contractions all the way through till saturday night wich is when they broke my waters- I didnt have Rhys until Sunday morning.So Im sorry I had a long one \Im afraid. But it may be different with the gel I dont know!

Hope it kind of helped!!

good luck.

:hug: xx
Hiya i had the gel it did nothing for me, i was put on a drip and omg that kicked in! its diffrent 4 everyone!x good luck!
rhian85 said:
well im now 9 days over had sweep on friday and so far hasnt worked. so im being induced 2mrw with the gel. - have any of u had this done ? how long does it take to work ? midwife said that my cervix was soft and thinning and 1cm dilated - - will this help speed things up :bored: :bored: ?

would like to know how long the gel took to work for you lot who have had it done.

thanks Rhian and ova due bump. xxx

Sorry I don't have any advise but I just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow :hug: :cheer:
Haven't any experience of being induced either (yet) but just wanted to say good luck as well.
havent ever been induced either, but just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow!!!
Yeah hope it happens quickly my sweet :hug:
I was induced with a pessery and my cervix was closed and high when they put it in. 5 hours after that i was 10cm so it worked quite quick for me. Hope all goes well for you!
i was induced with the gel and it didnt work for over 24 hours :x had a dose the day i was admitted, and a dose next morning, and was only after the 3rd dose i started to actually dilate and contract properly, i have to say though that i personally thought that the pains from the gel were worse than proper contractions, and they make you pretty sore inside if the midwife wants to check you every few hours :shock:

depends how ready you are to deliver though, i dont think josh was in any hurry to be born which was why it took so many goes, try a bit of sex, its got the same hormones in sperm as they use in the gel anyway, so might as well do something enjoyable to get the baby out :D
hi good luck and hope all goes well. I have had 3 babies and am pregnant with number 4. Had 1 normal delivery 1 c section and 1 induction have to say it worked pretty quickly but because was quick it made the contractions more intense. Good Luck x x
Hey i dont know anything about it but i just wanted to say good luck :hug: :cheer:

I know this is late but i had the drip so its a bit different but hope everything went well for you today and hope to hear some good news soon!!

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