Wishing the time away :(

I've always wondered the difference between PND & just having a hard baby. I suppose everyone has different coping mechanisms.

I'd defo go to A&E as it sounds like your LO is in alot of pain & that might be the only way to help.

When I had my first...I thought, this isn't normal, babies shouldn't cry this much ect, I was ready for going to hosp straight away but everyone kept saying baby is ok, all babies cry. She never did have anything wrong with her & upon speaking to other mums they've said the same...it actually sounds like something is up with them. But because of your LO having reflux anyway...i'd def go to the hosp. Its not just crying for the sake of it, or being a whingey baby.

I've read alot about reflux...she'll be in alot of pain. You really need to try & get to hosp or docs asap.

I just had her in a sling to settle her and then put her down for a nap and went to get some sleep, 15 mins later she's screaming again. I can't switch off when she's doing this at all, so no nap for me today. :(

Phil is telling me I am bringing this on myself because I won't let him take her out. He's encouraging me to bottle feed so I can get some peace which I am not impressed by.

Don't get me wrong, he has been really great, much better than I expected in the beginning. I keep having a go at him though for things because I'm irritable due to lack of sleep and he reacts badly to it. I think he's had enough himself tbh.
I know what will happen if I go to a&e.

She'll go in the car and fall asleep and be all angelic when I get there and they'll tell me I'm making it up or won't believe me or something.

I've already had several people roll their eyes at me on this because she was sleeping peacefulky
I know what will happen if I go to a&e.

She'll go in the car and fall asleep and be all angelic when I get there and they'll tell me I'm making it up or won't believe me or something.

I've already had several people roll their eyes at me on this because she was sleeping peacefulky

I hope ur ok hun but I wud got to a&e xxx
Poke her to wake her up! Or sit in the car until she wakes And screams then go in xxxx
When Chloe was Tilly's age we had exactly the same problems because her reflux hadn't been diagnosed so totally sympathise with the lack of sleep. Does Tilly settle if she is taken for a walk? If so ask your OH if he will take her for a nice long walk, maybe an hour or even more then you can get a little kip and Tilly will feel better because she will have had some sleep. Not a long term answer I know but will give you a little respite.

I have ended up bottle feeding both ebm and formula because I can see she is in less pain if she is fed by a bottle. I use as much ebm and as little formula as possible, I still beat myself up about not being able to exclusively breastfeed, but I'd much rather Chloe wasn't in pain so I have to push my pride to one side. Completely understand if you don't want to use a bottle btw, just wanted to give you my experience of it.

I found myself wishing away time too hun, you're definitely not the first and won't be the last, if you need a chat with someone who's been through it, I'm always around :)
How about filming a bit of her. Or writing it all down when she has her episodes? Then you've got a record of it

I've recorded Harry's crying and wheezing as I'm not sure he'll be awake for his hospital appointment tomorrow

How about filming a bit of her. Or writing it all down when she has her episodes? Then you've got a record of it

I've recorded Harry's crying and wheezing as I'm not sure he'll be awake for his hospital appointment tomorrow


That's a good idea. Cheers.

I've been toying with recording a typical day to see just how much crying/sleeping we actually have. Maybe it is not as excessive as I think.
Have you got an app on your phone to record everything? That's what i did for a while to see how much or little sleep Kynon was actually having.
Maybe express some milk and let your oh take her out so you can sleep a while you will feel so much better. I had pressure from my oh to switch to formula too, told him where to stick it as surely mummy milk is right for them and if you can bf and want to why stop, formula doesn't mean they will sleep anymore or cure the problems! Its not nice when they don't support you with stuff like that and think by telling you to switch its helping! Def look at you diet, i know some people think it doesn't affect them but Im pretty sure it does. I switched to soya and oat milks for a while and you could try goats cheese if you can live without cheese. Soya yogurts are nice too x

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Id film her as well! Show her at her worst and do a few clips through the day.

I think if you feel you have PND go and sort it now. Ive had it from the beginning and I know I have but its taken till today (15 weeks on!!!) to go and get help for it.

You have to remember you are still in the worst few weeks and Im sorry to say there is a few more weeks of them to come. I dont think any mother finds the first few weeks early, in fact they are pretty much a nightmare and nobody prepares you for the strain. Whats your daily routine like?? Can you take her out in the car (if you drive) for an hour or so just so you get a break from the crying and then hopefully she will stay asleep in her car seat for a little bit once youve come back in.
I think the other ladies have said it all and I can't think of any more good suggestions that haven't been already mentioned, but didn't just want to read and run. So sorry you're having such a hard time, hang on in there, you're doing brilliantly! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Have you got an app on your phone to record everything? That's what i did for a while to see how much or little sleep Kynon was actually having.
Maybe express some milk and let your oh take her out so you can sleep a while you will feel so much better. I had pressure from my oh to switch to formula too, told him where to stick it as surely mummy milk is right for them and if you can bf and want to why stop, formula doesn't mean they will sleep anymore or cure the problems! Its not nice when they don't support you with stuff like that and think by telling you to switch its helping! Def look at you diet, i know some people think it doesn't affect them but Im pretty sure it does. I switched to soya and oat milks for a while and you could try goats cheese if you can live without cheese. Soya yogurts are nice too x

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I've just got an app so I'm going to try and keep on top of it and record a typical day. At least I will have something to report to the health visitor this week.
Alot I imagine is the lack of sleep and support etc.

The test they do at 6 weeks is this one


I have PND according to this.

Mmm, interesting. Though my mood swings from extreme to extreme these days (maybe I'm bipolar?!?) :shock:

I really don't know, does it matter what the reasons are for feeling like this? because I have very obvious ones. I.e a difficult baby and no sleep. Though I don't suppose it matters unless you can do something about them right?!? And my options are limited on that front.

I'll mention to the health visitor, I'm going to attempt to get to the breastfeeding group tomorrow where hopefully I'll get some advice from some other people. Or even just some reassurance I'm doing something right
I can't really read what other people have said so sorry if I am repeating anyone else, I'm on my fone! I lived this 5 years ago, baby vom after every feed vom everywheren crying all the time! I wished away my lo's life! I just wanted her to be bigger! Noone was listening, I was told it was not reflux as it wasn't projectile enough, they obv were not around when the vomit hit my walls! Up at all hours no sleep the feeling of what have I done! Youi can buy reflux milk, google it! That helped, but not so much! I ended up having to buy the ready made formula, and within a week, the vomit and whinge had decreased! I can't tell u why, but anything is worth a try. It took me ages to admitr to anyone how I had felt, but babe we hve been where u are, and more importanmtly we hjave emerged the other side! Much love xx, w
Its so so easy to wish it away, I did that with my first & that was without reflux & im certainly doing it worse now with Kayden, I just want him to be a teenager so I know he'll survive thro this.

I do know for certain that not looking after yourself will lead to PND, my MIL is a social worker & she's always telling me to do the essentials, wash/eat, ect coz if you cant at least do them, you'll end up with PND because you are not carrying out essential things that need to be done every day regardless. So please..put LO down & do something else, put on head fones if need be, keep LO not too far away so u can see her & go make a sandwich, read a magazine & listen to tunes, trust me, you'll feel better after it. You are not just a mummy, you are yourself too, dont forget that.

Awww hun :hugs:

I really feel for u. I was in the same position as you a few weeks back and was constantly being told to stick it out from the health professionals. It took to the point of 22 hours of crying and I felt like walking out. I took her to the doctors numerous times and every time was told to persevere as its colic....in the end I took her again as she had a massive skin rash, temp, inconsolable even in the doctors, told him my OH worked away so I was alone and at breaking point. He rang the hospital ther and then and got us a bed on the ward, off which a paediatrician seen her instantly. He diagnosed reflux and of we went hours later with medication... Seen only a slight improvement but she was still crying for up to 16 hours a day, she would only take 1 oz sometimes 2 oz of her bottle at 8 weeks old! She would fight the bottle all the time and get so angry and scratched me, herself and anybody else who handled her! In the end after the doctor refusing to believe it was anything to do with her milk I changed her to soya on my own back, I decided it could either remain the same or get better! Surely crying up to 22 hours a day could get no worse!

Soya was a god send! She is a totally different baby!

She does still have colic and reflux but only to the very minimum. The crying has been reduced to only at the evening between 4 and 7.. Then she's out like a light and sleeps until nearly 4!!

I really do think you could push your doctor into that instant appointment..I did and it worked. At the end of the day, it's YOU, not him, that is at breaking point.

Really think you need a great big hug. It's not easy but you are handling this fantastic. X
Thank Louise :)

There are times when I don't feel I am coping and everything seems to come at once.

I have *touches wood* *fingers crossed* managed to feed and put her back to sleep tonight with minimal fuss in an hour and a half so this is progress.

I think she is very windy and the gripe water has helped a lot with that so thank you for the suggestion.

It's like fighting a series of mini battles I find. And so far tonight I'm winning, we've at least been able to get her to sleep which doesn't happen every night at all by a long shot!

I almost daren't post this in case I jinx myself now lol
Glad the gripe water is working for her. Amazing stuff that is! Harlow gets excited when she sees me holding the bottle now lol, sure she sees it as a treat!!

Hope she stays down for a few hours so you can rest. Another suggestion which worked the odd time in settling Harlow at her really really inconsolable times was a hot water bottle in between my tummy and hers and pressed her into it whilst rocking her. If I held her long enough she would settle and nap, sometimes I was able to lay her down slowly in her crib without waking her and I'd then leave the hot water bottle at her side. But it was always 50/50 that she would stay asleep or wake up. The way i seen it , is wen we have sore tummies, we use heat as comfort, babies are no different really.
Could be worth a shot for you :x
Alot I imagine is the lack of sleep and support etc.

The test they do at 6 weeks is this one


I have PND according to this.

Mmm, interesting. Though my mood swings from extreme to extreme these days (maybe I'm bipolar?!?) :shock:

I really don't know, does it matter what the reasons are for feeling like this? because I have very obvious ones. I.e a difficult baby and no sleep. Though I don't suppose it matters unless you can do something about them right?!? And my options are limited on that front.

I'll mention to the health visitor, I'm going to attempt to get to the breastfeeding group tomorrow where hopefully I'll get some advice from some other people. Or even just some reassurance I'm doing something right

I did it and it seems I have PND too. lol. Maybe I am bipolar too or my oh always has said I was schizophrenic through the pregnancy. lol

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