Weekends away/Holiday Routines - Help


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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We took Grace away for the weekend to in-laws and found it quite hard going....the last time we took her she was 6 weeks old and it was so easy ....
Grace is in a fab routine at home, goes to bed awake at 6.30 without any problems..... I tried to do the same with her while away and failed miserably. She hated the travel cot and cried when put in it, I then tried to put her on our bed and she kept looking around at the unfamilar surroundings and crying........... she was getting so upset and stressed - it was horrible to see............so in the end I had her downstairs with us and let her sleep in her buggy........ we then took her upstairs with us when we went to bed and she slept in the bed with us.......we then did the same the next evening.
I am concerned because we are going away for a week at the end of August to stay with relatives and would love for her to be able to stay in a routine and be upstairs asleep.......... my relatives are all quite mad and most nights the house will be filled with people and there will be heaps of noise.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to make things easier for Grace... ??
We took Rowan away when he was 4 months and I made a point of using the travel cot at home for a few days before we went in order to get him familiar with it. I also made sure I took the same bedding we use in his cot at home as that feels and smells familiar. Also made sure I took his cuddly toys from his cot at home. I'm not sure how he's going to cope this holiday as he is so much older but I think when it comes to being on holidays you have to be a little more relaxed about routines. For example Rowan has a bath every night at home but on a campsite thats just not going to be possible so it will be a shower with mam then snuggled in a towel/blanket and cwtched back to the caravan. I figure his bedtime will be later but so long as he's happy then I'm just going to go with the flow. It will take a few days to get him back in a routine when we get home but I figure its worth it to have a fun time with the rest of the family while your away.
I'm sure she will be fine and I hope you have a great time on your next break :hug:
Just as was said - I would take the bedding from home for the smell to be the same - or even a growbag that she has.
cant really advise as when we took Willow on hoilday at 3 months she was fine she sleep in a travel cot provided by the campsite but with our bedding and her grobag and she was fine we was more relaxed with her rountine and she was going to bed at about 9 whereas at home she goes down a 6:30. like was said just take familiar things with you.
we are going away in oct and Willow will be 6 months so i have no idea whta it will be like then either.

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