Wish it would hurry up lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Right im going to be 38 weeks on friday and i feel like its taking forever to come in i only got another 2 weeks left but feels like a lifetime. Im getting little pissed off now and cant be bothered waiting everytime i go to the toilet im checking the toilet roll to see if i have lost any plug yet im just so excited to get things happening. Knowing my luck i will go overdue and things will go totally wrong thats just my luck... Anyone else feel like me just want things 2 start happening? If his head has engaged and he is the correct way whats the hold up???
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he will be here within the next 4 weeks hun :love:
put ya feets up and rest and enjoy daytime tv, breakfast in bed and looong baths..
i know it is easier said than done but i would make the most of the time you have kefy and chill not always easy fx it happens soon for you xx
i really should everyone keeps telling me that because before i know it i will be rushed off my feet
lol i say this but i know when i get there i will be like can you just hurry up already!! this is how i was with my first xx
What your due date adele? Im 22nd sept and am sick as a pig lol Dont care if baby dosnt come early just want it to come on time went over due with my other two. Monty is back at school next wk so back to the school run omg I dunno if I can do it everything kills me when I wake up and takes me few hours to get sorted these days. I would have sleepless nights bottle feeds and screaming baby any day over these last few wks of pregnancy.
Hope buds comes soon for you xxxxxxx
I'm also due 24th sept and I'm so fed up now, I can't sleep, can't get comfy, have chronic backache, would much rather my bubs be here now I can't wait to meet her. I'm really scared though as my first was a c section they said i can try natrually :0 this really scares me!!! X

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I'm also due 24th sept and I'm so fed up now, I can't sleep, can't get comfy, have chronic backache, would much rather my bubs be here now I can't wait to meet her. I'm really scared though as my first was a c section they said i can try natrually :0 this really scares me!!! X

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ohhh we are close together :)
I can sympathise!! Tried to keep so busy t hese last few weeks and getting so excited!! Now am 5 days over and feels like he'll never come!! Am also trying to enjoy pamperingmyself and having all this time but I just want to meet our baby...NOW!!!!!! oH WELL, Keep telling myself he'll come when he's ready...
What your due date adele? Im 22nd sept and am sick as a pig lol Dont care if baby dosnt come early just want it to come on time went over due with my other two. Monty is back at school next wk so back to the school run omg I dunno if I can do it everything kills me when I wake up and takes me few hours to get sorted these days. I would have sleepless nights bottle feeds and screaming baby any day over these last few wks of pregnancy.
Hope buds comes soon for you xxxxxxx

im due the 10th september lanny 2 weeks on friday cant wait lol. I have a appointment next week at the hospital for a scan and to see the consultant and depending on the size of the baby they says they might start me off which i dont really want to be honest.
im just taking this time to relax and get organised for baby coming as i will be rushed off my feet when he is here. Lanny you must be shattered being pregnant and having to get your kids ready for school. I cant really moan to be honest my pregnancy has been fantastic up to now only thing is my constant heartburn which makes me feel sick and my backache oo and needing the toilet about every 2 minutes
why are they worried about the size? are you still on the small side? I know what you mean I moaned about going overdue with my other 2 but dont think I would want to be started off luckly they went on there own in the end.
well on my 25 week scan he measured a little big then on my other scans a little smaller i dont really know they have confused me but the midwife reckons he will be about 6 and half pounds which isnt to bad. wait and see what happens next week
i know just how you feel too! Im due Sep 18th and I'm starting to get really impatient! I'm sure the more i moan the longer he will decide to stay in there so I'm gonna try not to think about the time thing as much...yeh right!
Im always looking for signs too, espesh when go to the toilet like you said, as once that plug goes, even though it can still mean weeks, i'll be so excited!!
my plug with the last two only went night before so hoping if it go's this time i hope baby shouldnt be far away. Dunno why we get a due date it makes you worse the closer it gets the longer the days seem
I'm going slightly mad too... I've been kind of semi-expecting bub for the last 2 weeks already - I had DS at 35 weeks!!!

This bubba seems quite happy in there! I'm bound to go over with this one... ahhhhh that is going to feel like a long wait from 35 weeks to 40+ weeks :lol:

I want to get to 38 weeks (so Monday)... and then bubba is more than welcome to pop out and say hello!!!!!!!
my plug with the last two only went night before so hoping if it go's this time i hope baby shouldnt be far away. Dunno why we get a due date it makes you worse the closer it gets the longer the days seem

Yes I agree! They shoudl just say 'your due around the end/start/middle of the month' :)

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