Wise ladies advice required!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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Hi girls

Just wondering if any of you can help me. I used to be on the depo and stopped having periods altogether for 5 years or so. Last November we decided to start TTC. I didnt get a period until March and from then until August I had really random cycles (anything between 5 and 18 days) In September my cycle had gone on for 25 days and I was going away on a girls weekend so did a test and couldnt believe I got a BFP. I hadnt felt any different or had any symptoms.

Unfortunately I had a mc in October. We were advised to wait until after my next period before trying again. We did this but now I am on day 24 of this cycle and still no sign of AF. I really want to POAS tomorrow but wondered if anybody knows if mc can affect your future cycles. I havent been using the OPKs but we have decided to try them next cycle

I will be gutted if I do a test and get a BFP. Mind you - if I get a BFP I will be petrified after last time!

Sorry for rambling on I just thought you would need to know the background info to advise me.
Hey excited!

Sorry to hear about your mc.

i'm a bit confused, sorry hun, how long is your cycle? 25days? are you late for AF? If you are late i would def do a test with FMU tomorrow morning!

I had mmc in sep and i think it can mess up your cycles for a couple of months after, like making them a bit longer or shorter or making ov later/earlier

WOW between 5-18 days thats really short, you are the opisite of me then :)
Hey, didn't wanna read & run
Sorry to hear about your MC & hope you get your answers Hun
Thanks Nurse26

It has been 25 days since the start of my last period but I dont have a regular cycle length. I am just thinking tomorrow because thats how many days it was last time when I tested positive. I have got a FMU so I am going to do it in the morning.

At least if its negative it looks like my cycles are getting longer - 5 days was no fun at all lol x
So sorry about your mc Hun :(
My cycles took months to get back to normal, I even had a 60 day cycle back in may and a 13 day cycle in September Now i think im settling back down to a 27 day cycle!
You never kno though as everybody is different!!
Good luck Hun and fingers crossed xx
60 days Louise?! My God I bet you did a lot of POAS in that time!!!
Haha I sure did !! It was a nightmare! I spent a fortune on HPT's!!
I even had the doctor feel my tummy as I was adamant I was pregnant! But nope it was just a dodgy cycle lol.
Hiya Christina :)

This is why some of us ladies buy cheapy HPTs, so we can just POAS when we feel like it ;)

Personally, i wouldn't waste good money on an expensive test just yet. I'd get some cheapy ones and by the time you get them you can be even more sure of what your situation is.

You're cycles are pretty short though, so i dunno - cd 24 might be really late :shock:

Do you have any idea when you might have ovualted?
Sorry to hear about your mc hun. Fingers crossed if you test tomorrow. :)

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