
Ive not touched anyting this time, slthough i did have the odd one when i was carrying Bethany, ive not wanted to really this time.

When i was about 6 weeks i had half a glass of wine topped up with lemonade, but after a couple of sips i felt really hot and my heart was beating really fast for some reason. It really didnt agree with me, i just felt really weird, so thats kinda put me off drinking. :puke:
I have had 2 small glasses of wine over 2 weekends - when I say small I mean hubby used a sherry glass each time. To be honest, don't really fancy it at themoment so I didn't even finish those. I am however planning on a glass of wine on Christmas day. If I start fancying it I'll have one or two glasses a week but otherwise I'm happy to leave it.
I haven't drank any alcohol at all with this pregnancy. I've just gone off it and haven't fancied it at all, even when I've been in the pub with other people drinking. I think if I did have a glass of wine now it would make me feel ill.
Before getting pg I'd often have a couple glasses of wine of an evening but I'm not missing it in the slightlest. I'd much rather have a pint of banana milkshake.

I had my first coffee for months yesterday and it went straight to my head and made me feel really weird, so I don't think I'll be drinking that again :lol:

I used to have the odd alcoholic drink when I was pg with James. I think they've changed the advice because there's a lot of women out there who still binge drink when pg thinking it's ok cos they've 'saved up' their units.
I was never a big drinker and so now I don't drink anything - but to be honest I don't miss it, I only ever used to have half a Guinness at the pub quiz every Wednesday.

I have no moral objection to people drinking whilst pregnant as long as they're not harming the baby, and I can't see that 2 units a week is going to do that. Live and let live, say I.
im additcted to low alcohol cider, its 1% so not that much, waitrose sell it for 99p a bottle. i have about 3 a week and the odd glass of red wine.

With alana i drank heavily until i found out i was pregnant at 20 weeks and shes fine. they will always change whats good and bad for us, its impossible to keep up.
sazzylou said:
Ive not touched anyting this time, slthough i did have the odd one when i was carrying Bethany, ive not wanted to really this time.

When i was about 6 weeks i had half a glass of wine topped up with lemonade, but after a couple of sips i felt really hot and my heart was beating really fast for some reason. It really didnt agree with me, i just felt really weird, so thats kinda put me off drinking. :puke:

Ooo thats what happens to me... I just feel all odd.. not drunk or anything because it's only been a couple of sips.. Just I feel really strange... and it's kinda made it dead easy not to feel upset about not drinking... it feels horrible.
Squiglet said:
I've gotten addicted to Shandy... and I can't stand beer.... They do the most fantastic non alcoholic beer over here... which you can't taste the difference... and I just have that with Sprite.. and it's gorgeous.. .only now its harassing my heartburn.. but it's sooooooo addictive... and I've chosen the non alcoholic alternative because I am having it almost everyday... :oops:

I don't believe that the occasional alcoholic drink effects the unborn baby... I think we handle more dangerous things each day (such as bleach, underarm deodorant, paint etc) than the occasional drink... I have had alcohol while pregnant... I had a glass of champagne at my SIL wedding, and I will have a glass of wine this weekend as it's my first wedding anniversary and we are going to a posh restaurant... and I will be having a glass of wine/champagne (undecided yet) on xmas eve when both my parents and DH's parents go out for our xmas meal...

I don't like getting drunk... never have done.. so for me its not an issue... but many women here drink all through their pregnancy and the instances of FAS and ADHD are far lower... but people here don't binge drink in the same way.... and I think its the regular binging or the daily drinking that causes the build up of toxins which harm the baby..

But tbh since getting pregnant, drinking even small amounts of alcohol makes me feel funny so I've kinda gone off it...

Happy Anniversary for this wknd Squig! Enjoy your posh resturant :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Ooo Im so jealous, Id love to get done up and be taken out!
I haven't had any alcohol from when we started trying to conceive. I bought alcohol free wine from recently. I've only tried one of the wines so far and to be honest it was a bit sweet and watery - not what you expect in a red wine. I have lots more to try so I'll let you know if they're good. It will make great mulled wine because of the sweetness and that's why I bought it so I'm happy :D
I stopped drinking for the first 12 weeks, then we went out for my SIL birthday and I have one glass and have been having the occasional glass of white wine when i've been out, have three christmas parties in one week so that will be the week i have the most, although i do have lemonade with it. I only used to like red wine but can't stan that now and only like white, hopefully that will change back when the baby is born :pray:

I also drank when I was pregnant with my girls, again not a lot and they are fine.
I don't drink anyway so its not reallly an issue for me
My view: everything in moderation.

I had the odd drink through all three pregnancies. I never got drunk, but I enjoyed a nice glass of wine when I fancied it.

During my second pregnancy, when I was having mad contractions from week 27, my doctor even recommended red wine to help me relax!!

I didn't fancy it then though :roll:
Didnt touch anything from finding out up to 13 weeks then had a beer with my curry (really couldnt say no, they go hand in hand in my opinion) and last weekend I had a glass of wine with my meal for my Mums birthday.

If I fancy a glass I will have one, will probably have one with the Turkey on Christmas and again at New Year.

I read that the only reason the government is now advising pregnant women to stay off alcohol altogether is because in the past there have been some who were still not sticking to the 1/2 units per week and were getting drunk.

My midwife gave me a booklet which says 1/2 units a week is fine but no more than this and not to get drunk.

Then again there was a report I heard on the radio about 6 weeks again saying it was ok for pregnant women to get drunk once in a while?? How can that be?

To be honest Im still eating peanuts and runny eggs along with prawns and shellfish if bought & cooked by myself. Its all about moderation and basic food hygiene. Bloody hell if we listened to all the medical studies and advice from research we wouldnt eat and drink nothing because one day something is good for you and has certain health benefits like preventing cancer and the next minute its bad for you. So Im doing as I please!
Just found this interesting article from

So how much alcohol have you been drinking? With my first pregnancy I think I had a much harder time saying “no,” and very often would help myself to a glass of wine. I wouldn’t ever drink more than a glass and never drank any hard spirits but most of my friends totally abstained from alcohol so of course then I felt really guilty or would start to wonder whether I had done some serious damage to my unborn child which thankfully I didn’t.

For the second pregnancy I drank a lot less. I would “get drunk” after drinking a couple of sips and generally didn’t enjoy it as much. Although there were a couple of fine bottles that were cracked open and then maybe I drank half a glass and always with a meal and lots of water.

Giving up alcohol during pregnancy is yet another wake up call that your lifestyle is about to change radically i.e. forget about going out for a wild night for some time ladies and if you are breastfeeding, maybe even longer. It also is yet another reminder of how fragile we all are and that drinking during pregnancy is ultimately a pretty irresponsible thing to do. But that’s the point… if you are a bit like me, you might find it rather difficult to let go of that irresponsible side but don’t you worry…. as soon as you start to have kids, it will eventually dawn on you that you have a major responsibility on your hands.

The general concerns around boozing and pregnancy start as soon as you find out you have conceived…. “oh my goodness, I’ve been partying for the last month. And now I have found out I am pregnant. Is my baby OK?” First of all relax…. even if you have been drinking fairly heaviliy the chances of your child suffering from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are extremely slim.

For the record… Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and a spectrum of associated disorders, sometimes called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), is a permanent birth defect caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) is applied to children whose mothers are known to have drunk heavily during pregnancy and who exhibit some, but not all, features of alcohol-related facial malformation. FASD is the leading cause of mental ******ation in the Western world and is entirely preventable. It has been estimated that one in 1000 children born suffers from FAS, and one in 100 suffers milder effects (FAE) of maternal prenatal alcohol exposure.

So what is mild and heavy consumption… again the jury is out and course if you live in Europe there seems to be a little bit more leniance than there is on the other side of the pond where alcohol and pregnancy is a big “no no.” In general moderation seems to be key here and it is definitely not advised to drink regularly ie. every day. Always try and have wine with food and water and if you are breastfeeding, it is advisable to wait a couple of hours to let the wine be digested within your blood stream before you put baby to the boob.

The highest risk from alcohol to your developing baby is during the earliest stages of pregnancy, when baby’s critical organs are forming and cells are dividing very rapidly. The more you drink during pregnancy, the greater health risks you and your baby are facing. Since there is no known safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, the American College of of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends eliminating all alcohol consumption during pregnancy to optimize your chances for a healthy baby.
I haven't had anything since the weekend I conceived in July.

I have received so much contradictory advice that I decided it was better to err on the side of caution. I teach two children who have severe learning disabilities and physical abnormalities as a result of fetal alcohol made me a little more wary.

I MAY have one small glass of wine on Christmas day.
ive never been that bothered about drinking, i would go a few weeks and then binge drink when going out and get really drunk.
i havent had anything and dont think i will be doing. if i was the kind of person to just have one, but ive always just drank to get drunk really, which isnt a good thing at all, but yeah, i wont be bothering.

its the not smoking thats bothering me a bit at the moment, but i wont be doing that either.
I haven't had any since I found out, but I'll probably have one on christmas day.
I've been craving an ice cold larger and lime for weeks now :roll:
I'm not usually a big drinker and didnt feel like anything alcoholic the 1st 3 months as I was so sick, but sometimes have a craving for beer! I have had the odd shandy which I think is harmless as it is only maybe once a month. I think it is only a problem if you are regularly drinking and the toxins cant be expelled easily from the liver and therefore the baby gets toxins too.
gangofgin said:
ive never been that bothered about drinking, i would go a few weeks and then binge drink when going out and get really drunk.
i havent had anything and dont think i will be doing. if i was the kind of person to just have one, but ive always just drank to get drunk really, which isnt a good thing at all, but yeah, i wont be bothering.

its the not smoking thats bothering me a bit at the moment, but i wont be doing that either.

dont give up on the smoking hun! Its hard at first but it gets easier! I smoked 20 a day and unspeakable amounts of fags at weekends for 10 years and never once stopped until I got pregnant. I then stopped straight away and not looked back since. I have the odd craving for a cig every so often but I just laugh at myself for craving something so gross and remind myself how wel Ive done :D I think manda will vouch for this too, I know she's stoppped too as soon as she found out.

@ Loz - your baby has such a cute little nose!!!!!!! Slighly off topic but I just had a peep at your scan pic and its soooooooo gorgeous!!
Thankyou Tillytots, I think she's cute too! :D x
paradysso, you didn't know you were pregnant first time til 20 weeks? :shock:

No bump? No sickness? Wow, that's AMAZING!!!! And kind of lucky too because you'll have skipped most of the waiting and worrying stages and be straight into "oh my God I need to buy a cot"

Wasn't it kind of strange? xxx

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