Winding the baby

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i did when it smelt of warm milk but now it smells of sick sick and its horrible :puke:
i hateit after a few mins, but the inital smell is quite lovely. :oops:
Alfiesmummy said:
god leorah is just sooo funny skatty she has such a big personality by the sounds of it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thanks she has! Most of the time its great but she wears me out! She is such a little angel when other people around, full of charm, they would never believe what a little demon she can be :twisted: :rotfl:
laying him ovedr your knee or gripe water, my trick with gripe water is give a dummy (like a nubi one so it dosnt cover the sides) and use a syringe and pop it in by the side of the dummy so when you put it in baby sucks and swallows....If you just try to put it in on its own baby will usually spit it out....
h33 said:
Anyone got any top tips for winding a stubborn baby. My boy is now 9 weeks old and refusing to give me his wind takes about 10mins to feed and 40 to wind. Any ideas apprieciated!

40 mins to wind :shock:
are you sure he has wind bless him :lol: :lol:
Ellis would take about 40 mins to wind too! It used to take an hr to feed and wind him, he was on infacol and gripe water and drbrown bottles!

Then he reached 3 months old and learnt to burp on his own!!!!!!! now it takes 20 seconds!!! :clap: :dance:

gripe water on a dummy worked for my nephews and my sister also changed the teets in the bottles to a much slower flow this seemed to help
manda x
See my midwife told me the opposite about the teats on Sophies bottles, as she was having trouble beringing up her wind and getting hiccups, she told me to swap from slow flo to either variable flow or medium and now she brings up her wind no problem!
might of got it the wrong way round then :oops: :oops:
i remember changing them as it toke forever to find the right kind as they had crosses on the top instead of holes
manda x
i had the same problem with my little girl, she used to puke all the time cos she refused to burp! it wasnt untill after it had calmed down when she was about 4 months that some one told me tht they used to giv their baby sparkling spring water- apparently its totally natural and the bubbles bring the wind right up. i havnt tried it but it might work!!!

Hope something works 4 u!

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