Winding problems and techniques?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Can we all share what works for us and what doesn't please? Am sure there's lots of little tips and techniques!

I wind Bertie sitting up with a mix of pats and rubbing or across my lap with rubbing. Shoulder winding doesn't work for us as he either pukes in my ear or he slips down and his face ends up on the top of his head lol
My friends friends was told to lift the arms above the head by a midwife, didn't ask the technique tho. I do the shoulder thing. Ruby burps easily now after a milk change with dentinox xx
i just sit him on my knee and pat his back now he's holding himself better we don't need the infacol as he burps straight away sometimes burping without patting his back, but i use to rock back and forth, shoulder, sometimes i pressed his belly gently and he would do a huge burp, however now he like being bounced on your knee and burps loads when we do that lol xxx
Great thread hun. I have so much problems with winding AJ as everyone knows. Will be stalking this thread for ideas. My hv suggested sitting lifting his chin up and leaning him slightly forward works a little when he is sleepy but when he kicks off and goes ridgid you have had it. Shoulder does nothing for us either. x
My dads tip (he is the expert at this) is to make your hand as wide as possible, and move up and down when your patting. Xxx
Shoulder patting for Henry. Then as I feel it coming up I have to rub. It does take an awful long time tho as he is a stubborn little monkey.
Will be keeping an eye on this because Theo is in so much pain with trapped wind now I am having to give him milk with a bottle :-( I'm at my wits end coz I don't know what to do! X
I dont have any trouble with wind, but i'm not sure if that is my technique or my baby.

I put him on my right knee, my left hand pushing against his tummy, I use my right hand to lean him forward, and then pat and rub in a clockwise direction. He burps after a minute and thats it!
Ladies I really can't recommend 'Colief' enough!! Its amazing stuff. Quite hard to get into a routine of putting it in feeds etc (you'll see what I mean if you read the instructions) but max was really colicky, I used this for eweks and he was fine then I stopped for 2 days and he was colicky again so I've started the colief again and he's back to being a lot calmer again!! Its so worth giving it a go. It reduces the lactase in milk to aid the digestion making it easier on the belly stopping pain and discomfort.

Its a tiny bottle and £11 but definitley give it a go xxx
i run alyssas back in a circular motion slowly clockwise and then alternate in some patting
I used to give harry infacol but he doesn't need it now he burps straight away, Is albert using a dummy if so pop his dummy in and once he strat sucking rub his back and he'll bring his wind up, the other thing is are you rubbing firm enough, I juts used to par harry gently and he'd never bring anything up, I was told by my midwife you have to be firm when patting them or they won't bring it up, as long as their not crying your not hurting them , I also used to hold harry over my arm all seemed to work hope this helps hun x

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