William Thomas Robert born 26th June 3.45am


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2009
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I can't believe it's been a week since William was born, its flown! I have finally had chance to sit down and write down the birth story, so here it is, sorry if its a bit long!

My labour wasn't great to be honest as anyone who followed Ema - Lou's updates know, I had a sweep on my due date (thur 24th) in the morning at the hospital as the spd pain had been getting bad and I had been in slow labour on and off for almost 2 weeks, but the contractions kept stopping, and I was already 2cm dilatated. That was in the morning, in the afternoon at around 3pm my waters broke while watching tennis with my Dad. I called the hospital and they told me to come in, they monitered me and baby then sent us home, booking an induction for friday 3pm if nothing had happened by then.

Called in the morning, confirmed they knew I was coming in, contractions still really faint. Got there just before 3pm and it all went down hill, they had no idea who I was and said there was a long line of people to induce, no room on the delivery suite so put me on a general maternity ward in a bed and left us to it. Kept saying they'd come to see us soon but the checks were few and far between. They monitered the baby only twice before actual delivery, despite him having no waters for over 24 hours.

My contractions started getting stronger and before long were lasting over 1min, 5min apart and getting stronger and closer. They started getting more painful around 5pm, at 7pm we'd been asking for pain killers, eventually got 2 co-codomol which i'd been using for spd pain anyway and didn't do much. Rob was told we were next down, but then someone else got taken to delivery instead.

Then the night staff came on and i'd still not even been looked at and I was starting to struggle. Long story short this went on for hours, no more pain relief, they said they didn't have gas and air etc there. I tried a bath but it didn't help and there was hardly a gap to catch breath between the contractions. I was making alot of noise now, they wouldn't examine me in case of infection because they knew delivery would whenever we got a bed there. I was very conscious of disturbing the people on the ward but was finding it very hard. A nice midwife found us a side room and kept coming and trying to help me through the contractions. Rob was exhausted and kept nodding off, despite all my noise. She got me a small dose of morphine which helped but wore off in less than a hour.

Then just before 2am I felt I needed to push and kept sitting on the loo, it was an awful feeling and I didn't know what to do, I was desperate for pain relief and so tired. The midwife that kept checking on me decided she best do an internal now even though delivery were saying they were still not ready for me. She said if she could see his head we were off to them! She had a collegue in with her and they were both shocked, I was 8cm dilated and things were moving fast. Within minutes I was in a chair being taken to delivery, desperate to push but not wanting to move at the same time.

In the few min it took to get there I had done the last 2cm and fully dilated now. William was born at 3.45, and the bit in delivery was very hard, i've worked out since that I didn't take enough gas and air, i was mainly having water and the pain was horrendous to be honest, it took me an awful long time to get his head out, it kept getting stuck and going back up, I was pleading with them to help and all I wanted was sleep, I was so exhausted and drained I felt I had nothing left to give. They kept reassuring me, said I was coping amazingly, but I didn't feel like that. Eventually his head came out and one more push it was done, he came out crying and a healthy looking colour. The relief was immense and from then I wasn't tired anymore, everything was instantly worth while. He went straight on skin to skin, and not long after that I fed him. He latched on straight away pretty much by himself and it all seemed so natural.

The delivery of the placenter was almost like blink and you miss it, I had the injection to delivery it and it was fine,I also had a second degree perinal tear which needed several stitches and used the gas and air for that and that point felt a bit of the effect of it! I didn't sleep all the time I was in hospital and hated it, the staff on the ward didn't help me, they just all kept giving me conflicting advice, I couldn't get out of there quick enough.

We've had alot of visitors and very little rest, I've been quite poorly, and was back in hospital a couple of nights ago, they wanted to keep me in on a iv drip but I managed to convince them to let me try antibiotics at home first. The tear has got worse and could do with more stitches, but some of them are infected so it's not advisable. I lost a couple of blood clots that were the size of my palm at home and it scared me half to death. Turns out I also have an infection in the womb lining and that what the blood clots and loss have been all about.

I'm on two different antibiotics, plus pain killers and local anesthetic for when I need the toilet (all glamarous stuff LOL). Well thats the story warts and all, but as cliche as it sounds i'd do it all in a heartbeat. My baby boy is worth all of it and more besides and i'm honestly enjoying every minute with him, and I would do it again, but never at the LGI and probably would opt for a home birth.


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That made me cry! (The bit about his birth, not the awful bit before - I can't believe they were so useless for so long!)

He's absolutely gorgeous, congratulations! :cloud9: Lovely name too! x
Huge Congratulations! I'm so sorry you had to go without the care you deserve but amazed how our bodies work! I hope you heal well, and enjoy your new life as a family together!!! :hug: xx
Aw he's gorgeous!!! Congratulations sweetheart-sounds like you did amazingly well despite that crap care you received! I'd consider complaining very loudly as that is just completely unacceptable! x x
Congrats Hun! You did a fantastic job and he's gorgous too!! x x
Sounds like you were a real trooper hun. You did a great job despite having terrible care. Well done he is beautiful xx
Wow how amazing, well done for going through all of that - he is beautiful xx
CONGRATULATIONS!!! and sorry u had such a bad time. all worth it tho he's bbeautiful and a lovely colour 2 xx
Wow, it sounds like you have done amazingly well!! To do all that by yourself you must be so proud. Well done. He's gorgeous!!!!!
wow that's a story and a half for you! well done for going through all that and surviving! glad your little one is ok! hope you make a quick recovery! xx
Congratulations, he is gorgeous. It's bad that you had to have such a bad time at the hospital but well done you for doing it despite their lack of care. Hope all your post birth things clear up quickly :)
awwww congratulations hunni, i think you coped AMAZINGLY i would've whacked someone after them not knowing who you were. you kept your calm really, really well! got a lot of respect for you on that one!! i can't believe they put you in a chair when they could see his head, it's ridiculous!! what hopsital was it? where do you live? deffo don't go there again!! i just can't believe how badly they treated you. can't believe they sent you home after your waters broke, not supposed to be broke for more than 18 hours they told me!!! when i was on the post natal ward same with me with the conflicting advice from midwives! people need to do their jobs properly. can you make a complaint against the hospital? if you could, i deffo would!

anyway other than that, you have a beautiful baby boy. and i love his outfit!!! how much did he weigh? i hope you feel better soon. poor you on all those painkillers and stuff!! i had blood clots but they told me it's just 'cause i wasn't being mobile enough.. but they were never the size of my hand so that's a bt different haha.

enjoy him hunni and get plenty of rest. a week old already!!! times fliess xxxxxxxxx:love:
Huge congratulations!! You done a fantastic job despite the lack of care! Well done!
What an awful expereince you had! But what a gorgeous baby boy you got out of it! Hope you feel better soon and keep enjoying him, he is a little angel! Congratulations! xxx
what hopsital was it? where do you live? deffo don't go there again!! i just can't believe how badly they treated you. can't believe they sent you home after your waters broke, not supposed to be broke for more than 18 hours they told me!!! when i was on the post natal ward same with me with the conflicting advice from midwives! people need to do their jobs properly. can you make a complaint against the hospital? if you could, i deffo would!

anyway other than that, you have a beautiful baby boy. and i love his outfit!!! how much did he weigh? i hope you feel better soon. poor you on all those painkillers and stuff!!

Hi hun,

Thank you , he weighed 8lbs 6oz. I live in Leeds and the hospital is the Leeds General Infirmary (LGI). I wouldn't want to go back there ever again and I would recommend anyone I know not to go there, as there is another hospital in Leeds - St James, so if we do have any more in the future i'd prefer a home birth with the other hospital as back up.

Hope you and Riley are doing well and time indeed does fly chick x
Thank you everyone, I'm very proud of him and he's a very good little baby, mostly just sleeps xx

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