Will it happen


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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Well as u probably know, me and my OH have been trying for about 14months now with no joy, and a few tears along the way.

We have recently been prescribed clomid to start when AF arrives in febuary, but I'm wondering if it's gonna work?

I know I should think positive about it and i do believe it or not lol, but I have to stop myself getting too excited cos realistically it might not happen.

We are only getting 9months of the clomid, and after that we are on our own and need to pay IVF ourselves and we dont have that money :-( so we are really relying on this working for us.

The infertility doc doesn't seem that bothered that my OH has a low sperm count, she just seems more interested in getting me ovulating.
As she says, it only takes one and I have been pregnant before so fingers crossed this works.

But can clomid work when the OH has a low count? This is really bugging me. His count came back at 5mil, with 20% mobility. The doc doesn't seem bothered about it.

Has anyone got any sort of success stories with clomid and low count? I have tried googling it but all ingot is that men can take clomid too lol!

We want this soooo badly, but at the moment I just can't see it happening :-( x
I havent, but i would assume that if it was that big an issue then your GP would have mentioned it. Do you have any appointments coming up soon where you can go back and re discuss it?

Fingers crossed for you
Don't know anything about clomid, but re low sperm count, a friend of mines husband had testicular cancer when he was a teenager (she had no fertility issues), they were told they had a slim chance of conceiving naturally due to his count, but they conceived 2 naturally and quite quickly. So I guess all I am saying is that if the clomid works and gets you ovulating it only needs one little chap to get to it, which isn't impossible. Good luck. x
You have to be ovualting to conceive regardless of hubby's sperm, so ofcourse getting you ovulating so your chances going from nothing to something is HUGE :)

Sure, people who ovulate normally might take forever to conceive when hubby has a low sperm count - but i think it is more complicated than that.

Some people will conceive almost instantaneously regardless of hubby's sperm because everything else just clicks into place, and you could very well be one of those people once you get ovulating.

His sperm results aren't that bad either. Not good, but could be much worse.

Also, if your release more than one egg on the clomid you chances could be at least doubled again because you won't be losing half the sperm down the tube with no egg at the end of it :)

It all sounds like a vast improvement from where you were anyway ;)

Try to look on the up side for the moment and in the meantime try exploring other avenues so you can see that the road doesn't end with clomid.

Why can't you have IVF etc? If it is clomid or IVF, i reopen the topic for discussion - but that is coming from someone who is putting all her hopes into IVF :oooo:
I'm not allowed ivf due to the fact I have a son from a previous relationship. Total fucked up system if u ask me!
She isn't seeing that this would be me and my partners 1st baby. She also said if my son lived full time with his dad we would be entitled to ivf on the nhs, but cos I'm a good mother etc, I'm not allowed another, really gets up my nose!

In my appointment, she kept on reminding us about how much ivf will cost and that if clomid doesn't work we will have to pay for ivf, it got really really annoying!
She kept on telling me that due to my weight it means I'm not ovulating and having irregular periods, I told her I wasnt having irregular periods, they are normally every 28days or 32....so hardly irregular, she couldn't reply to that!

My last period was on the 10th of January. Going by askdramy.com, I either conceived on the 24th or 28th depending on my cycle, I tried both cos I'm never sure if this month is a 28 or 32 day cycle.
Me and my partner don't do ovulation tests or regular pregnancy tests, cos it was just getting out of control for a while and too heartbreaking, but our doc told us not to use the ovulation tests anyway cos I have PCOS, so it can cause a false reading.

Well the other day, I went to the loo and when I wiped, it was think, clear egg White. Really disgusting lol. But I read that can be a sign of ovulation or implantation, but going by dates, it would be too late for ovulation.

I have been having really bad sickness, feeling sick all day, dizzy, tired, weeing a lot more.....and a temperatue.
Im all over the place :-(

What was the CM all about? X
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I think it's crazy that you could have IVF if you gave the father full custody but can't if you have custody. That's just wrong :eh:

The ewcm is a typical sign of impending ovulation, but i have read of some girls getting it as a pregnancy sign - maybe due to the mucus production for the plug, i dunno.

Personally, if you are feeling a bit confused about your cycle, i'd take it as a sign of ovualtion - you might be a bit screwy with the clomid.

If it was pregnancy, then great, but if it wasn't at least you didn't miss your fertile time.

Also, i know OPKs can be a bit of a stress, but if you are having to go through the lengths of having clomid - i think it is probably wise to use OPKs. It's be a shame to miss your OV for the want of a daily poas :)

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