Will it ever happen???


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I haven't been on herefor a few days, my AF arrived last week, wasn't exactly dissapointed...just wanted to know either way really but since the weekend I've been feeling really fed up about ttc. I feel like it's never going to happen. Only been trying for 6 months but I just feel so pants about it all! Anyone else feeling like this? Or anyone else been through this and come out the other side. I want to feel excited about it again.

Thank you! xx
Hi Sal, its Sally here! :D

I think most of us have felt the way you are feeling so try not to worry. Each month we all feel the excitement, then feel the dissapointment and then disheartened only to start the cycle all over again!

It WILL happen for us and when it does we will be fantastic mums!

sending you lots of :hug: s
3rd Sally lucky?

let's hope so :D

Was feeling the same when AF arrived late last week, but feeling better now the next stage is approaching and the "next" month is on its way. Each month I think to myself, hmmm what could I try different this time - maybe drink more green tea, maybe time BDing slightly different, maybe try not to think about it etc etc.

everywhere I turn pg are being announced which doesn't make it any easier - 3 since my AF arrived last week!
hun i think everyone feels like this when ttc you have all the build up before af is due wondering if its going to be your month then af hits very often you will see some people dissapear on here for a few days when their af hits as they find it hard to deal with seeing other people getting their bfps then i suppose you feel like oh my god another long month of waiting only to have more dissapointment at the end and you feel whats the point as its never going to happen and then i think you buck up half way through the month as you start hoping all over again that this is the month you will get your bfp just remember your not alone there are many people on here who have been ttc for a long time :hug:
hope you get your bfp soon xxxxxxx
hi sal88

i've been trying for nearly 6 months as well and was wondering if getting down about it was a bit premature! haven't done anything special but am wondering if it's time to up the ante and do all those measuring temps etc. Every single one of my friends that is pregnant/has kids has all told me how they got pregnant practically by looking sideways at a man so this annoys me a bit as well!

anybody recommend doing anything special at this point or should i just wait??


amy xxx
Hi Amy

This is my 5 month TTC and my first month of charting. I have found it really helpful so you could give it a go and see if it is for you? Pop over to chartstalkers for a chat with us about it if you like :D
I am sure it's gonna happen. Lots of baby dust to you all :hug: :hug: :hug:
It will happen for us :hug:

My AF arrived today :roll: gonna buy some hagen-daz tonight to cheer me up :dance:
Hi Sal88

Yep in the same boat too!

This is our 7 month TTC, AF due tomorrow (had all the signs to!!) and a colleague announces yesterday she is 6 weeks pregnant, we've been TTC for about the amount of time too.

Its all so frustrating but I find it such a help having this website and the support from other TTC'ers who wont turn around and say all the things we dont want to hear!!

Heres a :hug: and :pray: for your BFP soon x

i will defo have a look at charting - use my naturally organised mind for something positive!! :lol:

anyway, i don't have the internet at home so will only be checking in sporadically - good luck to all!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

amy x
Nerly into a year of ttc, its getting harder each month, dont give up yet uve only been ttc 6 months :hug:
I often think the same will it EVER happen?? Cannot wait to be tested at the docs so at least we will know why our hard work is not being paid off!
Just wanted to say, don't give up. It took me 20 months but I got there in the end. I know you don't want it to be that long but stay positive. It will happen.

Good luck to all of you. Sprinkling lots of Baby Dust.

Sus x
Thanks everyone! Having a hard time with friends at the moment who think they're helping but advice they give really isn't! Anyone else get 'you're still young there's no hurry, don't worry if it takes years!' . How annoying!! I'm in my 2ww now. Bded on all the right days so fingers crossed again!

Good luck to everyone
I can relate but we WILL get our BFP soon!

Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
Love Polly xxx

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