Will it ever happen?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
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Gah! BFN today at 13 dpo.
I was feeling so positive this month too, after getting mega cramping 8-11 dpo :-(

Just feel like time's running out for us :wall:

(Moan over now, thanks for listening lol!!) Xx
If the witch hasnt arrived then there is still chance that u might get a bfp this month.

Ive got my fingers crossed for you x x
I second that! It aint over until the witch arrives - keeping my FX for you!!!
ah my heart goes out to you............ i think it must be quite difficult on here hearing others success stories!

You just have to believe that what will be will be - ill keep everything crossed for you!!!
Thanks all, have been playing some loud Stevie Ray blues for the past hour and feel much better :)

Hi Lynsey, thanks it can be, but often works the other way too for me. Gives me hope that it's possible! :dust:
it will happen one day

Keep you chin up hunni xx

I think its sometimes difficult hearing others success stroies but then when you read stuff after people have been trying for ages you think - what do i have to moan about!

Ive not even strated yet - next month - but i do think you get strength through reading everyone elses experiences!!!!

i feel the same bead, we have been ttc for nearly 17 months. just want it to happen!!!!
Hi, sorry just quick question on something you said Bead in your first post, about major cramps, is that a sign?
Oh now I feel bad for moaning when some of you lovely ladies have been trying even longer than us. I really appreciate the positive support :hugs:

Hi star fish, yes I was hoping it was implantation cramps, felt almost like AF.

Hey! We're here for when ever people feel like a moan!! We wouldnt be on a forum if we were all 100% marvellously happy with everything, we would be skipping round fields with daisy chains round our heads singing a Marilyn Monroe songs (maybe that would just be me....). My point being that the moaning is one of the most important things of a forum like this because it's also a support network of people in the same place as you. Bring on the tears and the tantrums, it's all good practice ;-) xxxxxx

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