Will I still need treatment?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Sorry for the second question of the day but my mind was doing over time last night!

I was told last thurs we had lost our baby, I guess its a missed mc as no symptoms other than a tiny spotting a week before but that was it, anyway I started bleeding the very next day, its strange how our bodies work, think I was holding on until the scan, but anyway, I have bled everyday and sorry if tmi but passed clots everyday also, I am going back in Thurs for another scan, so what happens now I have started to mc naturally??? Will I still need the tablets that I was originally going in for or will they levae me to carry on naturally??? I just want to prepare a little as was horrible last Thurs going in so positive and coming out flattened.....xx
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i think it will depend on the scan. If you are still bleeding and/or there is significant evidence of stuff left behind they will either advise d&c or tablets to help you. Have you looked at what you passed, do you know if the sac was there? It must be such an awful constant reminder of whats going on. Sorry i can't be of much help, one of the others might xxxxx
So sorry you are going through this hun :( big hugs to you...

From my experience (Ive had 2 mcs) if you are clotting then it means your body is dealing with it and you wont need anything to kick start it off..

the scan will just confirm that your body has completely dealt with it and that there is nothing that can cause infection left.

Hope that helps
have they given you prophylactic antibiotics to have in the meantime?
like the girls have said , will have to see what the scan finds, hopefully you will have passed it all naturally and all sone and dusted. hugs hunxxx
So fingers crossed I have lost or will have lost everything by Thurs, will it happen in a week?!?

I dont really know what Im looking for, sorry girls, Im sure you dont want to read all this info....eekkkk....

So far it looks like bloody jelly???? Normal blood then every now and then a blob of very red stretchy stuff, thats it? This morning was the biggest blob, I guess about the size of a 10p if that even, is this just the start???x
dyscochick: I havent been given anything, not even an mc leaflet on what happens next or any info other than to come back Thurs (7 days later) as I hadn't mc by scan so they said on the off chance baby was just too small so to give it a week incase there is a change, but then the next day mc started.....x
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If you dont mind me asking how far gone were you?? i was 7 weeks and I only passed stuff for 6 days then had very very light bleeding, but by the time those 6 days had gone by the scan was clear.

Fingers crossed xxx
Dyscochick what are prophylactic antibiotics ?? xx
I was measuring 8 1/2 weeks by size of baby, fetus whatever its classed as, sac was measuring 10 weeks x
I just think you are just going to have to see at the scan hun...fingers crossed for you xxx
prophylactic just means preventative, ie take them to stop an infection rather than after you have one! I can't believe they didn't give you any info!!!! if you are miscarrying your cervix is open which is why sex and tampons are no no's, they increase the chances of introducing infection. Twinkles its possible you've passed it, I was 11 weeks at scan but baby 8 weeks and i knew when i passed a big clot with jelly like blob that that was it. Prob is that it all looks pretty similar and i think you'll have to wait for scan to know but its possible in a week that you've passed it all. I passed most in 2 days then still clots for 2 days after the medical management and that kind of induces the same kind of mc as a natural one i think. Have you been to GP or EPU to say its started? it might be worth it to get info, painkillers and antibiotics.
No was just told to go tn a&e if pain and bleeding was too much otherwise come in on Thurs as planned, will just wait until Thurs now :( Dreading it x
I passed it all in one go I think, but then I had the medical management thing. I don't think the pregnancy had grown beyond 6 weeks so there can't have been that much to pass for me but it most definitely came away all at once because they checked it at the hospital. The scan should be able to tell you if you need further treatment hun.

Hope you are ok x

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