Hospital tomo, ok to work after?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Going in for a second scan tomo, bled constantly since last one a week ago so not sure what will happen now tomo if there is still anything showing up on scan, just wondering if I end up being given the tablets will I be ok to work that afternoon and fri as understand nothing happens until u have second tablet 2 days later? Also on the chance they decide to do a d&c will they do it that same day of have me back in?

Sorry so clueless to all this, I have clients booked in thurs afternoon and fri so if I need to cancel I would rather contact them today but then again I might be fine and no need to cancel.....ahhhhhhh I can't get my head around this! Any advise would be fab xx
anyones reaction to those tablets is different. you can start having cramps and bleeding in 1 h or in 24 h or at all.but if you are already bleeding i would say that they will not give you tablets but if uterus is not empty yet they will give you one more week to see is you will pass everything naturally.
d&c if necessary will probably not be the same day. i would say that you are ok to go to work if not too much bleeding or pain already but are you sure that you don't need some time home to relax and feel better generally?
I wish I could! Self employed beauty therapist and no appointments for 2 weeks so have no gaps to move them see, think it will make it more stressful in the long run, don't really want to have to tell them why I need to move them but people don't seem to understand that I can't do them if they don't get a full explanation! If I really have to I will, sounds like a good thing that I am bleeding then, got sat off in case I had to go in for second tablet so will have that day off weather I'm in hops or not x
hun, i started having cramps on the day after tablets before the second lot. I don't know it was just the emotion of it all (I took the tablets the day of the scan when I was told no heartbeat), rather than the effects of the tablets but that night I fainted and projectile vomited everywhere! As you have already been bleeding i don't know it is will start things sooner. I wouldn't want to risk being at work and possibly it all happening there and being in pain. I would think it unlikely they would do a d&c on the same day, there was a 2 week waiting list for me to get one, hence the medical management. I agree with Hope, are you sure you don't need to give yourself a break. I know you don't want to let clients down but you have to consider your general health and mental well being in all of this. You have done amazingly to get to this point but please think about taking some time for you! xxx
I agree with dysco, your not giving yourself time to grieve
I dont know how to grieve girls! All I ever do is work all day every day 6 days a week! I dont know what I would do if I was at home all day, really wouldnt :(

I find working keeps me too busy to dwell, I have just had a weeks holiday before this happened so finding it hard getting back into it as it is, wish this was all over and life was back to normal, all I want to do is ttc again!

My first client isnt until 10 today so had the morning free, dreading it as her daughter has just had twins after ivf and she nearly died having them so I am not looking forward to it! Cried yesterday when my 6month preg client asked if I was going to get preg now as we got married in April! I vow never to ask girls about pregnancy!x

everyone grieves different, if you feel better working because it takes your mind from what happened then go ahead but don't push yourself to do sth that you can physically or emotionally can't do.
Taking time for you doesn't have to mean being at home all day, planning a nice day out, mooching round the shops something different. But I see where you are coming form and everyone deals differently but don;t exhaust yourself physically. Emotionally and physically this is a draining experience so please don't work yourself into the ground, at least make sure you are not back to back with clients and you have built in some kind of break just in case you start cramping badly and just need some time iwth a hot water bottle xxxx
Hope things go ok today twinkles! as the others say take some time for yourself :hugs: xxxxx
What is it you do Twinkles? Hope your feeling ok today? xx
Hope it goes ok today twinkles, i hope you've at least got some quieter days coming after, just so that you can recover physically, :hug:
Hey girls back from hospital and hate to say it but of course ur all right, I need time off! Taken the rest of today off, will work tomo but back in hospital sat so off Sunday and taking Monday off too......corrinne in a mobile beauty therapist, it's drummed into me from being self employed that I have to work regardless, no sniffles, periods or hangovers are enough to take time off but yea a mc's sinking in today, I'm only human xxx

Thank u all for thinking of me today, feeling the love!

Baby was still sleeping in my belly so I haven't had a full mc yet, I have gone for the tablets option so the worst will be hopefully over after sat, never had a general so didn't fancy the d&c, although if the worst happens that will be my last option....

Feeling ok now I have had a big sob with hubby and our pooch, got my cuppa, chocolate, pf and day time tv!

glad you are taking some time off. i hope you will feel better soon :hug:

get stocked on some painkillers and make sure oh is spoiling you :hug:
Glad to hear u are taking sometime off, and I hope ur medical management goes well in Saturday. Enjoy ur day at home with crappy day time tv :hugs: xx
I hope it goes well and do feel free to pm me about it if you need to, I was there only 8 weeks ago, exactly the same, had the medical mangement. Are you staying in hospital until it passes on saturday or are they letting you pass it at home? I came home for work reasons (i knew people who might be coming on the ward, thats why i didn't have a d&c either). I know its not everyones cup of tea but it meant we were able to snuggle up with a duvet and ride it out. Big hugs hun, glad you are taking some time out. xxxxxx
Thanks Hun, I am in hospital until it has all gone, they did say if on the vary rare chance everything doesn't pass they can give me the d&c that day, we live about 45 ,ins from the hospital so they said they would rather I stay in for the day so I will! Thank u for ur support xx
I hope it goes ok, they will look after you and at least you know one way or the other that it will be done tomorrow. Thinking of you xxx

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