Will i need bottles?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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I'm planning on breastfeeding LO. I know it's hard in the beginning. Everyone i've spoken to has said be persistent and determined and don't give up. So, i've decided not to buy bottles.

Is this a good idea or should I buy one or two just in case?

I brought two for expressed milk but it depends and rememer if you do get bottles you need to think about how to sterilise too.

You will need a few if you plan on giving LO expressed/formula milk for example...

When out because you will be shy to BF in public, want a rest every so often, want others to have a go at feeding LO or intend to go back to work soonish.

Also some like the security of haing a bottle just incase BF doesnt work out and there are others who dont want them in so they are not tempted to give up BF unless they absolutly have to...

its really up to you!!
Personally i would buy some. I was absolutly DETERMINED to breast feed but until you actually try it you cant say if you will continue or not. I breastfed for 24 hours :shock: I had a tough labour and it was something i could have donw wihtout doing. Although i knew it would benefit Dylan sooooo much... i really couldn't do it and didn't like doing it (but that was just me)...
I didn't buy any before LO was born. Only got them later on once I expressed the odd feed. TBH I've hardly used them.

I was stubborn and also felt it better to not have them or formula in the house and to give BF'ing a real chance for a week and let my milk come in. I trusted that everything I knew about how long it could take for milk to come in, baby needing to feed a lot and so on would get my milk going. I didn't want bottles around in case I had a weak moment. Honestly, it was later on, around 6 weeks plus I found it the hardest but I still only gave a handful of expressed feeds. I'm a really stubborn cow and tbh realised deep down that BF'ing once it was established was far easier and less hassle than formula or bottles.

If you are really keen to give it a good try and are prepared for it being bloody hard work in the first few weeks possibly then go for it and don't get bottles. You can always send someone out for a couple if need be. LO won't starve in the early days as they have a supply of fat laid down and also your body produces the all important colostrum for baby till your milk supply kicks in.
I didn't buy anything for bottle feeding before the birth, and never needed it - as Sherlock said, you can always go out (or send someone else) if you do find you need something, a lot of shops are open 24 hours. I thought that having stuff in the house might encourage me to give up BFing whereas without it I didn't have a choice but to continue and luckily it all went fine :)
Personally I am the opposite to the 'If I don't have it can't use it' approach, I am more I want it to be on the safe side. When I quit smoking I had a pack of 20 in the cupboard, and that helped me knowing they were there, must have as I've been quit almost 3yrs (still miss it as well ahhh hehe) With both my babies I've had bottles, steriliser and formula ready, I needed them with Isaac as I mix fed, don't need them with Ophelia as I just breastfeed. I had a very strong mindset for everything with Isaac and almost everything went the opposite way and it made me ill, so now I don't ever expect anything but believe in trying my best, that way whatever happens, bottle or breast, you will be OK with it. In hospital they have milk in little jars and pre pack sterile teats so you won't need any for hospital. Very best wishes, and like has been said, you can always go out and buy after LO is born if BFing doesn't happen :hug: :hug: :hug:
I brought bottles, formula etc because I didn't with Tia and ended up using them because back then the MW in the hospital put Tia on top ups, and when I got home, my ex's friends mum had to run out and get stuff for me, and teach me how to make up bottles (yes I was that simple :lol: )... With lil miss I ended up needing them because she had formula force fed to her in the SCBU... but I eventually got rid of em all. I'm like Redshoes.. I like to be prepared... and in both cases, although it was used very little and I eventually weaned the girls off formula, I ended up needing the equipment.
I didnt buy bottles until LO was about 5 weeks old and was old enough to have expressed milk. I thought if i had bottles i might give in and feed her with one if i was struggling with breastfeeding.
I am planning to BF but we bought a Tommee Tippee back to nature steriliser with 4 bottles just in case I cant do it. However, we are not buying formula or anything like that - its more for expressed milk (thats the plan!)
We did, as we had bottles with the steriliser..I gave up breastfeeding at 6 weeks and bitterly regret it. Should I have another baby I won't buy anything like that before. I think it's a good idea with your first, though.
I didn't buy any but when I brought him home knowing I'd probably have to suppliment him with bottles if I was going to keep trying to brestfeed (we never managed to establish it :( ) then I sent hubby out for the tommee tippee closer to nature ones. Went for the £85 set up with bottle warmer, sterilzer etc.

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