Why park so close????


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Today was my first time in town with Connie. I parked in the multi storey, it wasn't busy in there so parked in the empty but in the furthest corner of the car park as I needed the space for to get the pram out and the car seat. There was no one next to me when I left the car but when I got back someone had parked so close I couldn't open the door wide enough to get to the car seat out let alone get her in the back seat of my 3 door car :evil: . Had to move the bloody car while I left her in the pram!!!! There were plenty of empty spaces so why park next to me??? Their tyres were on the white line that seperates the spaces. I was so mad I left them an angry note under their windscreen wiper !!!! It said they were inconsiderate and need to learn how to park properly :rotfl: .
good for you leaving a note!!! I used to have some joke ones for my car which said

"thanks for parking so close to my car, next time leave me a fucking can opener so I can get back into my car"

I used to always laugh when I left them :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'd have left a bloody note too. I get so peed off at idiots like that! It's happened to us several times too. Once when I was pregnant we parked in B&Q and we parked right over at the edge of the EMPTY car park thinking that no-one else would even think to park there...

Of course, when we returned, some idiot had parked SO close that I couldn't get into the drivers side. Had Matt not been with me, I would have been stranded as with my SPD and big 8 month bump, there is no way I'd have managed to clamber over the passenger seat to the drivers.

People are so inconsiderate. Well done with the note.
MrsBrightside said:
good for you leaving a note!!! I used to have some joke ones for my car which said

"thanks for parking so close to my car, next time leave me a f***ing can opener so I can get back into my car"

I used to always laugh when I left them :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

That made me laugh so much I cried.
I was thinking about this the other day as i only have a 3 door too.. didn't really think that through when i bought the car really!

Claire x
that happened to me too.... i had to get the car seat in the car through the other door and climb accross the back seat....soooooooo annoying!!!! :evil:
You really dont wanna get me started on parking spaces!!!

There's NEVER a mother and baby one free, so i park as far away as possible, it's ok if i can get a corner space as i can have room to get her out but when me and Dave went shopping there was barely enough room to get her back in the car and that was just with the sling we wouldnt have got the buggy in the boot.

I put Tally in the car last week after shopping with my mum and some women tried parking next to us after watching me put her in, i very nearly ran back and got her out whilst she parked as she was SO close to my car and pulled back out at least 5 times.

It pisses me off when people park in the mother and baby spaces then you see the child get out of the car by themselve with no help from mum or dad.

Some people have no consideration what so ever for people in general and for us with buggies and babies. Every now and then you get someone who actually uses their common sense.
i would have left a note too but it would have been engraved on the side of their car not a piece of paper :evil:
well done you!i went to tesco yesterday.no mother n baby spots so i parked in the corner no one obviously wanted loads of spaces there.came ot n a 4wheel drive jeep thingy had parked real close so i had to leave kiara with caden while i reversed the car to get em in bloody people sometimes!
well doen with the note :cheer: :cheer: dont even get me started on parking/mother & baby spaces :wall: :wall: :rotfl:
abcd1234 - I agree, I hate it when people park in mums and baby spots when there child is walking!! Its not as if they come withh all the paraphenalia that babies do and you need the extra space next tothe car to put bubs safely in his pram.

In the main multi storey in kettering there is only about 10 mums and baby spots and lots of disabed ones that are hardly ever used!
xkikix said:
In the main multi storey in kettering there is only about 10 mums and baby spots and lots of disabed ones that are hardly ever used!

There are a lot more mums than there are disabled people in the world. Went to my local Asda earlier and there are about 20 spaces for disabled and 8 mum and baby spaces :roll: . DH was putting Connie in the car while I took the trolley back and I saw a member of staff come out of the store and get in her car in the disabled space :shock: .
abcd1234 said:
It p*sses me off when people park in the mother and baby spaces then you see the child get out of the car by themselve with no help from mum or dad.

Yip pisses me off too - esp when people park there and they don't even have the child in the car! I always end up in the furthest away spaces and its always raining.

As for the parking too close thing - we park over 2 spaces :lol: naughty I know but means we don't get idiots hitting our car and we can actually get Finlay out the car ;)
Our ASDA doesn't have a single mother & baby space. I'd love to be able to fine people who use them who don't have young children.
I was fuming last night. I nipped to Asda about 8.30. (Naughty of me being with Angel as i should've been getting her ready for bed but i was desperate for milk otherwise no cuppa for breakfast!!!) Anyway, i didn't feel safe parking in mother and baby as it was round the corner of the building and it's really dark round there. I scare easy! So parked up and got the pushchair out the boot. Went and got my shopping and came back out to the car. Only to find a BMW park so close to my boot that there was no room for me to put my shopping in, let alone lift a heavy buggy into the boot! I wouldn't have fitted down the back of my car to do it. I was fuming! So i had to try and slide it across the back seats, while trying not to hit the car next to me with the door! If someone wasn't sat in the car next to the BMW i'd have 'attempted' to put it in the boot!!!
But why are people so thick! I was at a poxy supermarket! I needed the boot, pushchair or not!!!
I always park the car in nose first so I can get to the boot as have had this happen to me a few times. Also I don't like reverse parking :lol: .
LMAO!! Good on you!!!!!!! I had an idiot park next to me like that to, i had just popped into town so thought id just take the car seat out and clip it on the buggy as he was asleep and when i got back i couldnt get the car seat in cos the gap was to small!!! :evil:

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