Why not reach for Calpol/neurofen ?? everytime???

Natural mamma

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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I have just covered the immune response in relation to childhood illness at university....Here is a good reason to think twice before reaching for the calpol for every bout of illness........I have tried to make it as easy as possible to understand.....

The body has a specific immune response called inflammation
Inflammation occurs when tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins, heat, or any other cause.

The damaged tissue releases chemicals . These chemicals cause blood vessels to leak fluid into the tissues, causing redness, pain, swelling, and heat. Inflammation is the bodies attempt to dispose of pathogens or foreign bodies at the site of injury, to prevent their spread to other tissues and the rest of the body.

Symptoms will now be present in the body due to inflammation. Causing mild fever and general malaise .

When the chemicals are released into the blood stream it stimulates the bodies B cells and T cells to fight disease and help provide immunity in the future.

This is why you should not reach for the calpol everytime ......you are blocking the childs immune response and suppressing the immune system. Making becoming immune to disease , very hard for the body...hence endless runny noses, ear ache, sore throats, coughs....you end up using more and more medicines ...suppressing and suppressing...and the drug companies get richer and richer.

It is fine to use calpol after you have given the body at least 24hrs to mount an attack on the pathogen (disease agent)....
If it was really that bad then Doctors wouldn't advise you give it to your child and I doubt that Mums on here reach for meds at every sign of illness!! My Son only has it when he's really ill, I couldn't leave him to suffer in pain because I'm worried he might be ill again in a few months time. I personally don't like to have meds unless I'm really ill but Harrison is only little and can't tell me how he's feeling!
I with you PP, but a lot of mum's do reach for it at any sign if only to get a night's sleep!

We rarely use meds on Stanley. I'm not precious about it, it's just not our culture. OH and I don't use a lot either. I only tried Medised once and Stanley refused it so it's Calpol on occasion.

He does love the taste though. :lol:
Eefie hates the stuff! I'm like you Minxy, not in our family culture to be popping pills for every little ache so he has calpol as a last resort when all else fails (A nice warm bath does a world of good sometimes)
I dont use calpol for colds and coughs etc, nor do I use it for a good nights sleep, I use it for fevers and really bad teething only.

But if it was that bad though there would be a warning about it, thats why we are told to use it in moderation.
i think im more with natural mamma on this. i rather let my baby develop a stronger immune system. Ive been using more and more natural remedies such as aromatherapy and homeoptahy and ive been finding better results then just using normal off the shelf medicines.
I know there are no health warnings on the labels...so one thinks it can't be that bad....but then we all thought smoking was ok in the 50's......and that antibiotics were the answer to everything...... (ok its not on the same level as that but you get my meaning!)

My intention is to give information.....to make a informed choice...not one just based on "well i thought it was ok!!!!" I was surprised when i learned about the immune system and thought it facinating. My G.P is quite radical and she says she rarely uses calpol for the same reasons.

I have used it and i dare say i will again...but rarely...and when they are seriously poorly.

I am not saying that all mums reach for it everytime....... and it is about choice.....And as you say they wouldn't be available over the counter if they were dangerous.....

Did you know that if a child ate a whole tube of toothpaste it would kill them...wheres the warning label ?????? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
and they make it in strawberry flavor :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Natural mamma said:
I know there are no health warnings on the labels...so one thinks it can't be that bad....but then we all thought smoking was ok in the 50's......and that antibiotics were the answer to everything...... (ok its not on the same level as that but you get my meaning!)

My intention is to give information.....to make a informed choice...not one just based on "well i thought it was ok!!!!" I was surprised when i learned about the immune system and thought it facinating. My G.P is quite radical and she says she rarely uses calpol for the same reasons.

I have used it and i dare say i will again...but rarely...and when they are seriously poorly.

I am not saying that all mums reach for it everytime....... and it is about choice.....And as you say they wouldn't be available over the counter if they were dangerous.....

Did you know that if a child ate a whole tube of toothpaste it would kill them...wheres the warning label ?????? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
and they make it in strawberry flavor :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I know you're trying to be helpful but us Mums already worry about enough without you adding things to the list :|
You've got a good point naturalmamma, especially about the taste. I suppose they have to make it taste nice, but my kids just love the 'pink medicine' and they ask for it for the slightest sniffle!

I try to only give it when I can see/hear that they are really in need. Otherwise I try natural remedies on then. They love a spoonful of honey when they have a sore throat for example, better than giving paracetamol any day.......

Natural mamma said:
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Don't mean to offend.........

:oops: :oops: :oops:

doesnt offend me, interesting to read but, if like this morning, my son is crying out in pain because of teething pains I wont hesitate to pop 5 mls of capol into him.
Well, I'm an immunologist and have a PhD in molecular biology.

Calpol does not suppress the immune system. The immune system will fight disease whatever. The inflammatory response will still be there whether you give your baby calpol or not.

The info that was given in the first post on this topic is not wrong, but no-where does it imply that calpol prevents the inflammatory response occurring.

Calpol will help with the pain and fever so alleviating the symptoms whilst the baby fights the infection, virus, etc.

Inflammation is a non-specific immune response. There is also a specific immune reponse as mentioned, which consists of antibodies and the b and t cells.

Don't worry mums, you're not sentencing your baby to a lifetime of illness due to calpol. Calpol only treats the symtoms, therefore making the baby feel better whilst their body gets on with the fight.

Don't post things like this scareing people when your putting the wrong twist on things.

Thanks for your post KJ.

Although I may seem like I push medicines like medised and calpol onto my kids (from the medised post), we don't actually give them it unless they really need it (one plane journey a year excepted ;)). I held off giving DS calpol this morning for his teething after reading this thread yesterday, but to be honest I couldn't bear listening to him crying in pain and sat chewing on his fingers and it wasn't fair on him. If I was in pain from toothache I'd take a paracetamol, so I can't deny him something that is going to soothe him.

The same when my kids have a temp (which I class as over 38), I wont give them something straight away, I see what it's like after a drink, bath or nap.

I guess sometimes you just have to use your common sense, but even I found the first post quite intense. Thanks for the additional info :)
I'd agree with not dosing your child just because they have a slight runny nose but I think that's just common sense :lol: The only time Willow has had calpol was the other day which was the first day she ever had a high temperature, and I'm afraid all my herbal remedies just went out the window,Calpol it was :lol:
lauramumof2 said:
Natural mamma said:
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Don't mean to offend.........

:oops: :oops: :oops:

doesnt offend me, interesting to read but, if like this morning, my son is crying out in pain because of teething pains I wont hesitate to pop 5 mls of capol into him.

and me :clap: treating the symptoms, if i can make it a bit easier for him if he is suffering will do it everytime.
lauramumof2 said:
Natural mamma said:
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Don't mean to offend.........

:oops: :oops: :oops:

doesnt offend me, interesting to read but, if like this morning, my son is crying out in pain because of teething pains I wont hesitate to pop 5 mls of capol into him.

:clap: I agree. 100%.

Also :clap: to KJ. Really interesting and balanced reply. I am breathing a sigh of relief!
I truly believe there's a very real place for man made medicine, and the only 'dangers' I see with it is when it's in the hands of mis-guided parents. I would love to never put anything but 'good' into Isaac when he's sick but I'm just not educated enough or 'skilled' in alternative therapies to have faith and patience in them, when Isaac was ill recently and his temp went high I was worried and would have done anything to 'help' him, and the 'anything' was Nurofen, I didn't feel bad for giving it him, but would have liked a definite effective alternative as an option.

Like Princess_Puddles says, there is plenty to worry Mummy's these days and I think if more professionals, GP/HV/MW gave advice about alternative therapies, had some real feedback about them, and let the medical profession endorse them, then it would mean Mummy's had a CHOICE, and an informed, professional one at that.
whenever emma has a temp over 38 we have to take her into the childrens ward in the hospital and the first thing they do is ask if weve given calpol, if we havent they look down on us and give it to her straight away. i think stuff like this has made me more trusting in calpol etc as they use it in the hospitals on her. i personally only give it if her teething is really bad or she is really unwell and tahts usually on the advice of a consultant in the hospital
ive never given calpol for teething, i hadnt even thought of giving it when i had alana, i just relied on teething powder and letting her chew her hands.

think the first time we used it was when she had a really bad cold and high temp

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