Why not reach for Calpol/neurofen ?? everytime???

If my kids are poorly and it's really bothering them, I give them Calpol, that's what it's there for.

I don't use it to make them sleep or just for the sake of it. What's going on just lately? :shock: I'm starting to feel like a bad parent just cos I use medicine to make my kids feel better :roll:
I use Calpol when necessary, and have used Medised when Jude has been full of cold and so full fo snuffles he's kept himself and us awake. A baby that sleeps poorly to start with is a complete nightmare when he's been awake for several nights on the run, which makes exhausted and unhappy parents - bad situation for everyone . If this can be eased with a dose of Medised then I think it's easily justified.
My HV told me to use Nurofen for teething pain as it really helps the baby, so if I think he's bad with his teeth then I'll give him 5 ml of Nurofen. Cannot see any point in him suffering when he doesn't have to. I don't feel like a bad mother for doing it, if I think he needs medicine he gets it. :)
Going back to what K.J said in response to my first post....

Can she please explain then why the body has the defense mechanism of producing fever.......is it not to heat the body up in order to kill the pathogen ???????

Is it not better to leave the body to do this for as long as it is safe to do so without interference???

I am studying Anatomy and Physiology with Pathology as part of a BSC (hons) in Homoepathy. I am being educated to see the body as a whole...not the sum of its parts.

x-kirsty-x said:
What's going on just lately? :shock: I'm starting to feel like a bad parent just cos I use medicine to make my kids feel better :roll:

I'm with you there. This thread is making me feel :x
Why is the thread making you feel bad? You say you only give it toyour child when they need it, whereas Natural Mamma appears to be saying that those parents who overuse it could be doing some harm. That's how I interpret it.I have used calpol occasionally and I don't feel like I am being criticised :?
I think Natural Mamma has a point, I don't agree with reaching for calpol in every instance but like someone else said I will not hesitate if my baby is in pain and I know that it will help him.

One thing I will bring up though is that Natural Mamma, as far as I am aware, is not qualified to give medical advice, this is her opinion based on what she has been taught at university. As with anything medical, speak to a qualified doctor if your concerned and maybe do your own research if your still not satisfied and would like to know more about the facts of using medicine on your child.

I would prefer it if people gave us sources when making posts like this, I can't possibly just believe someone from a forum without knowing the source of my information. My baby is too important for me to do that :)
Sweetcheeks24 said:
I think Natural Mamma has a point, I don't agree with reaching for calpol in every instance but like someone else said I will not hesitate if my baby is in pain and I know that it will help him.

One thing I will bring up though is that Natural Mamma, as far as I am aware, is not qualified to give medical advice, this is her opinion based on what she has been taught at university. As with anything medical, speak to a qualified doctor if your concerned and maybe do your own research if your still not satisfied and would like to know more about the facts of using medicine on your child.

I would prefer it if people gave us sources when making posts like this, I can't possibly just believe someone from a forum without knowing the source of my information. My baby is too important for me to do that :)

I completely agree :clap:
beanie said:
Why is the thread making you feel bad? You say you only give it toyour child when they need it, whereas Natural Mamma appears to be saying that those parents who overuse it could be doing some harm. That's how I interpret it.I have used calpol occasionally and I don't feel like I am being criticised :?

I'm not getting into a debate over this, I have my views and others have their's. I see Natural Mamma's point and I know she wasn't criticising anyone intentionally, but that doesn't mean some people weren't offended by it.

I'll continue giving my baby food from a jar, milk from a bottle and medicine when he needs it :)
I agree with Naturalmama's point too. I only give medicine when I feel it's necessary. It is used sensibly and with love/care.
I think it's this thread combined with the co-sleeping one that has made me feel a bit touchy. :)
x-kirsty-x said:
beanie said:
Why is the thread making you feel bad? You say you only give it toyour child when they need it, whereas Natural Mamma appears to be saying that those parents who overuse it could be doing some harm. That's how I interpret it.I have used calpol occasionally and I don't feel like I am being criticised :?

I'm not getting into a debate over this, I have my views and others have their's. I see Natural Mamma's point and I know she wasn't criticising anyone intentionally, but that doesn't mean some people weren't offended by it.

I'll continue giving my baby food from a jar, milk from a bottle and medicine when he needs it :)

I can't see any debate,was just saying that ifyou are happy with your choices then no-one can make you feel bad.
beanie said:
I can't see any debate,was just saying that ifyou are happy with your choices then no-one can make you feel bad.

No, but they have a good try! :lol:
x-kirsty-x said:
beanie said:
I can't see any debate,was just saying that ifyou are happy with your choices then no-one can make you feel bad.

No, but they have a good try! :lol:

I kind of know what you mean, on the LK today thread people are using words such as "wrong" and other judgemental words to describe breastfeeding a 4 year old, and I don't think thats on but unfortunelty this is a public forum and people think that if they put "buts thats just my opinion" then people aren't going to get offended. But look at your 2 boys, you know you have done a good job, and yes whilst there are people out there who are always going to look down on you for the choices you make, you know that you are doing the best for your children. So be proud of yourself missy!!!!!!! :hug:
beanie said:
x-kirsty-x said:
beanie said:
I can't see any debate,was just saying that ifyou are happy with your choices then no-one can make you feel bad.

No, but they have a good try! :lol:

I kind of know what you mean, on the LK today thread people are using words such as "wrong" and other judgemental words to describe breastfeeding a 4 year old, and I don't think thats on but unfortunelty this is a public forum and people think that if they put "buts thats just my opinion" then people aren't going to get offended. But look at your 2 boys, you know you have done a good job, and yes whilst there are people out there who are always going to look down on you for the choices you make, you know that you are doing the best for your children. So be proud of yourself missy!!!!!!! :hug:

Thanks beanie :hug:

When I first see or hear somebody criticising or 'putting down' the way others do things I get all defensive and feel like I need to argue my point, like this thread.

Then I think about it and realise that there's no point trying cos there's always gonna be someone who disagrees with me. So like I said in one of my other posts, I'll keep doing what I'm doing with my children and let others get on with their way of parenting :)
beanie said:
Why is the thread making you feel bad? You say you only give it toyour child when they need it, whereas Natural Mamma appears to be saying that those parents who overuse it could be doing some harm. That's how I interpret it.I have used calpol occasionally and I don't feel like I am being criticised :?

I felt bad because I started to wonder if my use of medication was making DS more ill instead of better and whether I was doing the right thing or not. I tend to wonder if it's my fault if he's ill and reading what NM had to say did make me feel quite down that I'd potentially been making him more ill. I know that wasn't intended and that it's best not to stick your head in the sand when it comes to info that concerns little ones, but I can't help that I felt bad about my choice.
i see what ur saying, and it will make me put even more consideration in than i do already (which i do, im not willy-nilly!) before i reach for the calpol- but this bit
Natural mamma said:
you end up using more and more medicines ...suppressing and suppressing...and the drug companies get richer and richer.
sounds very much like a conspiracy theory! :lol:

i wouldnt give it for sniffles or coughs (no point it wont help them at all anyway!) but if i think my baby's in pain of course ill stop it if i hav the means! and as for using calpol to bring temp down, now ill hav no hesitation there- high temps are very dangerous for babies i would think its a huge gamble to leave it rageing and hope they can bring it down themselves :shock: :(
I dont give hope calpol unless she has very bad pain from teething or if her temp is really high, she once had a temp of nearly 40 degrees, so i would rather risk giving her calpol to lower her temprature then risking her body having a convultion because i didnt help her body cool down :D

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