Why is this happening?! I really need help please.


Apr 20, 2020
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OK I'm starting to freak out a bit. Is there something wrong with me?

Yesterday I was due my period... Got all the signs I was going to including red spotting mixed with brown cm. I've had back ache sore boobs and cramping.

I did my temp this morning and it's gone back up. My boobs are NOT sore now, I've had some cramping but I think it's also a bit of digestive issues as I've had that too :confused:

I've honestly had such a crazy cycle. Tested at 11dpo and got a weird result. I half just want to start my period because its been so confusing hahaha.

Can anyone help? Either way if you ended up pregnant or not.

And the weird result I can see a bit of pink but I think it might be grey (evap)
Not taken another test?

Especially with your period not properly starting

Definitely test again. Your temp would be dramatically dropping if af was the way hun x
@chattychar1990 @CrazyChic @SockVortex @EllieH thank you for replying.

So I'm going to have to order some more as that one was my last. I'm currently going through some stupid anxiety in my head if I get negative there's something wrong with my reproductive system or something and that's it for me. Or worse I order some being hopeful and then I start my period. I know that doesn't help me... And I know you can't give me an actual answer without that so... I dunno, just fretting.
100% get it, just would be good to know either way. I know lockdown etc but I would consider a pg test a necessity so can you not go out and get one? Because if you’re that far over it doesn’t matter what time of day you take it hehe

keep us updated
It takes a healthy couple with no fertility issues upto a year to conceive. You only have between 25%/30% of conceiving each cycle so there isn't much of a high chance. Don't be so hard on yourself xx
It takes a healthy couple with no fertility issues upto a year to conceive. You only have between 25%/30% of conceiving each cycle so there isn't much of a high chance. Don't be so hard on yourself xx

Ah thank you it's not so much the conceiving bit I guess... I am OK if my period comes because then at least I know. Its more what if it doesn't come and I'm not pregnant (this is me in my head I mean). I honestly don't know where the anxiety has come from! Just this morning I'm mad panicking.

OK I'm going to wait till lunch see if my period arrives and then if not I'll order a test.

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