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Why is it harder to conceive when your fat???


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I'm sure you're all lovely and slim and becautiful ladies but I on the other hand have a FEW excess pounds :fib: and I was wondering if any of you knew the reasons why it's supposedly harder to cenceive when your overweight??

I don't have a clue and I was wondering if I do end up having to see the doc if they'll just tell me to go away and loose weight?
Hiya hun, just thought i would say, although in an ideal world we TTC'ers should be at our "ideal weight" i always thought that being underweight had more implications ie - having no periods etc,

On a personal note, i am about 4 stones overweight a size 20 and have a BMI of around 34 so am definately classed as obese. I conceived within 4 months of trying, and am hopeful that i will again

I know quite afew friends who have conceived at a similar size to me,

I think it makes for a healthier and less complicated pregnancy being less heavy

But it could take me a year to lose that weight and i really dont want to put things off any longer,

I would just keep going for it hun and fingers crossed you and I and everyone else gets their BFP's soon

:hug: :hug: :hug:
hi hun i am a size 22 and concieved in 3 months with my dd, i was also 35, i was 20 when i had my son and i size 14 and it took me 2 years to get pg so i wouldnt take to much notice
I don't know why is does, but a Dr will tell you to lose weight. My brother's OH was 2 stone overweight and she was told too lose it before treatment. They also were told to stop smoking and drinking. In the meantime my brother put on weight (quitting smoking) and now has to lose a few stone before they can start IVF!
Saying all that my friend is obese, smokes and drinks, yet seems to have no problem getting pregnant.

Goes off to google some answers!!

Can being overweight affect my chances of getting pregnant?

Before answer this question, we must take a look at how the body works. There are two sources of estrogen in the body: the ovary (directly) and the adrenal gland (indirectly). The ovary estrogen phases—up and down—in what are part of the variations of a normal menstrual cycle. Additionally adrenal glands make something called androstenedione, which is related to cholesterol, and actually even testosterone and progesterone. So it's common that hormones often are converted back and forth. In the case of the adrenal androstenedione, fat cells convert it into estrone—an estrogen.

So, if you're significantly overweight, while your ovaries are trying to behave and cycle normally, the steady input of estrone from this other pathway will interfere. A steady supply of estrogen will blunt the peaks and valleys of the ovary's function, which ultimately interferes with ovulation. Also, all of this estrogen can even lead to precancerous changes in the womb (uterus)—which are usually reversible.

Besides causing increased risk of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes, obesity can also cause biochemistry to gang up on your chances for decent ovulation.

How can you tell whether you're the one who's going to be affected?

If you're having regular periods, then you're probably having regular ovulations. If the periods are sporadic, then probably so are your ovulations.

One extra note: thyroid problems can cause both irregular periods and obesity, so it isn't unreasonable to begin your infertility work-up with blood work to check for this.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/parenting/having_a ... ndex.shtml

Look at your weight. Not being overweight helps conception and makes pregnancy more comfortable. A carefully monitored weight-loss diet can be safe during pregnancy and is sometimes advised for women who are seriously overweight, but always check with your doctor.

Being underweight can make you less fertile, while being overweight puts you at greater risk of complications such as high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/devon/community_li ... tion.shtml
I could be very wrong and alot of people probably know beter then me but I was under impression it was to do with fat cells creating oestrogen I guess that makes hormones imbalanced or something, like I said no expert but sure thats what I read somewhere.

As others have said its healthier for you and baby the less extra weight your carrying but lots of people concieve and carry whilst alittle over weight without problems! Doctors like any excuse to make people lose weight!
Penstraze said:
I could be very wrong and alot of people probably know beter then me but I was under impression it was to do with fat cells creating oestrogen I guess that makes hormones imbalanced or something, like I said no expert but sure thats what I read somewhere.

:lol: :lol: I was just adding that to my post!!
Misslarue said:
Penstraze said:
I could be very wrong and alot of people probably know beter then me but I was under impression it was to do with fat cells creating oestrogen I guess that makes hormones imbalanced or something, like I said no expert but sure thats what I read somewhere.

:lol: :lol: I was just adding that to my post!!

:lol: Thought I read it somewhere glad im not going mad! :lol:
I was a size 16 when i concieved DS, and i was a 22 when concieved DD and still am - though i di intend to lose some weight!

My second pregnany was easier then my second though i feel that has nothing to do with weight - i also gave birth easily too despite being 'clincslly obese'.

It all depends i think really on your general well being and having a regular cyccle!
i am now 26 wks preg, i concieved at a size 18/20 15st. although it did take me a long time although this could be completely unrelated.

all the best anyhow x
I was a size 18/20 bout 14/15st when i conceived my son. First cycle aswell.

my consultant gave me 3 extra scans as they said it may be difficult for the midwife to feel the baby which was a load of b****cks. She also sent me for a GTT as she said i was high risk of getting G diabetes because of my weight.

Turned out i never got it, had a very healthy pregnancy n Iain popped into the world weighing a healthy 8lb 5oz. I did lose weight when pregnant due to my health eating but since he arrived all ive done is eat cakes :rotfl:

I really want to hav another soon but made a pack wi hubby to lose the weight 1st to save aw the palavar wi the consultants lecturing me grrrr
I'm about 4st overweight myself ans a size 16. We have been TTC for 8mths now and I keep convincing myself it's because I'm fat. Although my cycles for the last 8mths have been bang on 28 days so I must be OVing normally.

I try to lose weight but end up getting stressed about it which in turn makes me at crap LOL. It's a vicious circle :wall:

I'm really glad you posted this Chrissy1 because from the replies from I can see it is more than possible to get PG with a few extra pounds. :hug: :hug:
Penstraze said:
I could be very wrong and alot of people probably know beter then me but I was under impression it was to do with fat cells creating oestrogen I guess that makes hormones imbalanced or something, like I said no expert but sure thats what I read somewhere.

Maybe thats why I have been spotting for a week b4 AF since I came off the pill :think:
Ladies you are all lovely and have put my mind to rest :hug: :hug:

I'm currently a size 18/20 and 15st so I know I'm a bit over my ideal weight :fib: :fib: and if I need to see a doc they'll tell me to loose some weight.

From reading the infomation that misslaurie kindly posted on it sounds like the main problem that being overweight causes is OV problems and irregular cycles. Happily my cycles are very regular and I've started charting last month and I had a very clear OV pattern so it looks like it all ok there.

I'm getting into month 6 ttc now and even though we've been timing everything perfectly it's just not happend so I am starting to look into the possibilty that it might not happen for us and we might have to go for tests so just covering off any avenue

thanks for all the useful posts ladies it's really helped :hug: :hug: :hug:
IM a size 14 and im 12 stone and a few lkbs, so im considered 2stone overweight however i have always been naturally big...

I was very big (size 22-24) and when we started trying I decided to try and lose weight! I had a m/c in Feb this year and that really spurred me on cause I was still a size 22. I ended up following weight watchers and lost 4 1/2 stone in 12 months and fell pregnant in July. I am convinced that it only happened because I lost weight.

I am so glad that I am not still carrying all that extra weight and a baby! Dont get me wrong I got to a size 18 so still had quite a bit to shift and I am going back to weight watchers once this littleone is born!

The doctor said to me when we first saw him about this pregnancy! "Good things happen to happy people!" and I was obviously much more happy and comfortable with my size!

Good luck with trying! :hug:
i think its because being over or under weight can stop you ovulating. Also my doctor told me to lose the weight before getting pregnant as you will naturally gain weight during pregnancy and may never lose the weight after as its harder after pregnancy. :shock:

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