Why does it kick you when your down?

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I just wanted to say that I think it's really unfair that we find out we are not pregnant at the same time as we hit an emotional low hormonally and a physical low by bleeding like stuck pigs with stomach cramps, headaches, dizzyness and exhaustion!

In case you havent guessed my AF came 3 days early. Just as I was speaking at a conference in London, I started to get yellow spots in front of my eyes and really bad cramps. I went to the loo at the break and sobbed as I discovered that not only was I not pregnant but that I wasnt even carrying tampax as it was so early. Emotion overload! Oh and the physical overload, struggled through rest of the day and went to bed alone in my hotel room at 8 pm feeling at an all time low.

I'm better now, got home yesterday and my husband made me my favourite Eggs Benedict for dinner (i know i'm wierd but it's what i wanted), put me to bed and today I am just emerging turtle like and emotionally bruised. But i needed to catch up with you girls because it's the very best therapy xx
Aw :(

Being caught unaware is horrid at the best of times...

I love eggs too! (completely random comment)

I hope you feel better for your lie in - you'll be chirpy again in no time :)
Aaahh bless you Starfish!

What a rubbish thing to happen.

Have a nice weekend with Hubby and eat all the eggs benedict you like! Mmmm! I love eggs benedict, I've not had it since my honeymoon in New York!

I'm so gonna make some this weekend or maybe this afternoon!

Good luck and Babydust for next month xx
This is going to turn into a post about eggs! Lol!
Enjoy the eggs whilst you can girlies! Once you get your BFP you are not allowed runny eggs - only hard boiled!! x
Sorry Starfish!

The eggs conversation continues!

Miss July10 eggs benedict is poached eggs on a muffin with Bacon and hollandaise sauce and a bit of rocket on the side ooh and lots of black pepper! Yummy!

On the way to the shop now......
We do get easily distracted don't we :dohh:

I'm trying my best to resist asking how to make hollandaise sauce (does that count as asking anyway?)
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Sorry Starfish!

The eggs conversation continues!

Miss July10 eggs benedict is poached eggs on a muffin with Bacon and hollandaise sauce and a bit of rocket on the side ooh and lots of black pepper! Yummy!

On the way to the shop now......

Ohh sounds fab! Thanks for clearing that up for me lol. :whistle:

Sorry for the minor hi-jack Starfish.
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Sorry you are having a low moment Starfish, I think even the strongest of people have days where it just becomes that bit to much, I had mine a couple of weeks back, I had been feeling low the entire day but I didnt want DH to see me so sad, so I sat in the shower and cried until it hurt... I do believe that we all need to have a good cry from time to time.

I hope you feel better soon and feel more like yourself x
Hey Starfish,

Newbie here and I really felt for you when reading your post, glad to hear you are feeling better and the eggs benedict sound lovely! x
Starfish - I'm sorry to hear the wicked witch arrived :hugs:.
It is true that it feels like your being kicked when your down when your ttc and AF comes. You're 1 day closer to ov for next month though :wink:. Enjoy your weekend with hubby. X
Sorry you're feeling low starfish. make sure hubby gives you some tlc this weekend. xx
Hi hun. Sorry to hear your af came. It can be very tiring, lonely (i feel in a sense) and emotional ttc. Sending you loadsa baby dust and extra hugs.xxx
Big hugs sweetheart. :hug: maybe it's the body's way of preparing us for eventually 9 months of being hormonal and unpredictable with hours of pain when you just think you can't take anymore? At least there's something positive to show at the end of that.
Glad you are feeling better now xx
You are all so sweet, I sincerely meant it when i said this place is my therapy!

I'm going to get my husband to write out how to make hollandaise sauce (he's always trying to teach me), he makes it look so simple to do straight from scratch, but he always says the trick is confidence, and maybe the sauce senses my insecurity to do it! I'm proud to say that I have finally mastered poached eggs though. Anyway, then I'm going to post it! It truely is a marriage of flavour...... lol
I'm sure the girlies will be glad of the feel good recipe hun lol!

That's what we are all here for, it's a great support network for us all. It always helps when you can let off steam to people who know how you are feeling xx
I'm proud to say that I have finally mastered poached eggs though. Anyway, then I'm going to post it! It truely is a marriage of flavour...... lol

I'm gonna take that as a promise! I can't wait :D Any tip for poached eggs welcome too, i tend to lose most of my egg white in little pieces the water.

I had in once when i was in New York and it came with smoked salmon - it was scrummy :)
Hollandaise Sauce: Melt about half a block of butter on the stove. Put about 4 eggs yolks in a bowl and whisk. Add a little white wine vinegar and some warm water (so the eggs dont get 'shocked' when hot butter is added). Also add lemon juice to taste, I like to use about half a lemon (squeezed gently) but most people use less.

In a book it will say clarified butter. This is your melted up but with the dirty top creamed off it. You dont need to do this because when you pour out your butter the top bit will come out last and you leave it at the bottom of the pan and then pour it away.

Now this is where the confidence is needed. In a recipy book it will tell you do put the eggs over a double boiler or a banmarie otherwise it will split, but DH says you dont need to, you just need to stay in control.

Keep whisking the eggs with one hand and v slowly add the butter a little bit at a time. If it splits, then you've lost it, but it shouldnt! It should just get more and more creamy. When you've poured in all the butter, season with salt and pepper and a good pinch of cayenne pepper and more lemon if you think it needs it.

You should now have a warm and perfect hollandaise, try to use almost immediately, it has to be pretty much made and served straight away. The only way chef's can get round this is using a thermous to keep it warm without cooking it any further.

The above is actually a really simple straight forward version, that's identical to the more complicated versions with double boilers etc. It's not nearly as intimidating and hard as it seems!

Let me know if you ever try ;-)

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