Very low temps


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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I have been having very low temperatures this month (at one point I thought I was going to fall off the bottom of the chart!)

When I woke this morning I took my temp and it was 35.4, went back to sleep and took it again and it was 35.9! I ovulated at the weekend as normal and had cramps from thursday to sunday.

Guess I'll just wait to see what happens unless someone out there has had similar low temps and can advise :pray:
Hey flick, try not to compare your temps with other peoples as everyone has a different range. Yours are just a bit cooler than some others. What you need to look for is the temp shift and the difference between your own pre and post ovulation ranges. I just had a peak and yours look great the temp shift after ov' looks spot on so you have nothing to worry about.


P.S I'll be stalking
Try not to worry flick. Becs is right she is the charting queen after all! :D I can see the thermal shift and I'm new to all this charting stuff.
Thanks Girls, you've made me feel a lot better :cheer:
:hug: It's a horribly stressful affair isn't it hon. :pray:ing for a bfp for you soon.
Don't worry, I had similar pre ov temps and I managed to get preggers! Like the others say, its different for everyone so try not to worry..
Flick your temperatures look great to me - at least they show a significant rise so thats fantastic!!

I'm a couple of days behind you - I think I ov'd either yesterday or today - so I will watch your charts with great interest......

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Its great to have such great support from you all. I keep telling myself don't get stressed ....... there's always next month ......... worry about something else ..... :wall:

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