Why do i feel like this??


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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Hello mummys!! :wave:

Just wanted to ask you all why i feel so down and rubbish!!
I cant stop crying i dont want to live in my house i dont want to be with my boyfriend and none of it is his fault!
At the moment i feel like i want to move back to my mums and be with her!
Everyone keeps saying i have the baby blues!!
But to be honest i feel like doing something really stupid i wouldnt as i love my little girl!!
Help me please!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Shell Im talking to you on msn about it but i just want to give u a :hug: love you babes
awww hun sorry to hear ur feeling like this :hug:

it will be the baby blues hun i felt like this after both my babies were born, it will pass, my OH give me a bacon sandwich 2 weeks after Alastair was born and i burst into tears its awful but it will get better hun :hug: :hug:

Hope ur feeling better soon babe :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww hun have u spoken to ur health visitor
hope ur feeling better soon
It will pass Shell.

Its such an adjustment having a baby and you will get highs and lows!!

If it carries on for weeks, id go see your GP or talk to your health visitor but dont be too hard on yourself, it takes time to get your head round things and wanting to be near your mum is natural as you probably need a bit of TLC!

PM me if you wanna chat babes :hug:
like jaidy says, it is a huge adjustment becomin a mummy and im sure it will pass soon enough and ul wonder y u ever thought it was so bad, i was exactly the same!!! :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Its all them damn hormones!! They effect us in different ways. I had absoutely no time for anyone but my LO when she was born. Its exhausting and I had no energy for anything else. My DH only had to look at me and I'd feel a rage :lol:

Definitely mention it to your HV though but hopefully you will start feeling much better very soon :hug:
I was like this too. just talk to as many people as you can about how you feel, makes it seem much easier to cope with :hug:

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