I just dont feel happy at all :-(

Thank you Beanie :hug:

Yes I will talk to my HV on thursday when she come to see me, I can't cope with feeling like this.

Yes I totaly understand what you are saying and I will wait to decide what I will do.

Thank you for the offer and yes I would like to at some point maybe in a few weeks? when I feel abit better hopefully.

Thanks again :hug:
ahh tasha hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
i feel for you coz i've been where you are too& i just want to say it does get better & its only been 3 wks which is nothing,
you are doing a fantastic job being a mummy & you're daughter loves you.
the hardest job in the world is to be a mother, but its the best too & i promise you soon you will feel like this.

like others have said plz talk to your HV tomorrow & see what she thinks, i would say it is just a touch of baby blues & the feeling of being overwhelmed by the whole experience of motherhood.
some days i think i just cant do this anymore, but it passes & you will be fine.
sorry if i havn't really helped.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
tasha i hope you are feeling better soon.
all i can say is do what you feel happy with chick. Newborn baby time is so short you need to enjoy it. :hug: Don't do anything that makes you miserable. its not worth it. Be happy
Thank you all so much, your replys have really helped me :D

I do want to give up breastfeeding, its the best thing for my Daughter and I know shes happy breastfeeding too.

The health Visitor is due between 10 and 12 and I will have a chat with her then.

Thank you all again you've been wonderfull :hug:
when i was breastfeeding madi constanty wanted milk :eek:

so the nurses in special care said if im finding it really hard just put her to the breast for about 30mins and then give her a bottle just to satify her hunger and it worked!

hope your ok hun x :hug:
Hv has been and said what you all said really, that im over tierd and overwhelmed with baby, its all normal :D

Shes going to keep a close eye on me to make sure it doesnt progress into anything else, but to be honest after talking on here and talking to OH and HV I feel alot better.

Thanks again all :hug:

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