Olivia was in my arms and as I was adjusting my top so my boobs wernt hanging out, she flung herself out of my arm, hit the bed and fell on her back. and I was standing up so she fell a good 4 foot, im in notts thinking about it

I feel absolutly awful, we phoned an ambulance as she had a massive bump on her head it was so scary, we got to the hospital and she was screaming

I gave her some magic boobie so she calmed down, which worked straight away

After 30 mins her bump was down, she was alert and smiling and stunk the room out with her poo

It keeps replaying in my head and I feel feel so sick and ashamed that I wasnt holding her more securly, shes going thru a stage of flinging herself everywere and shes sooo strong

They sent us home as everything was fine and gave me a list of thing to look out for.
Shes going to stay with me all the time now and shes feeding alot, so it must be some sort of comfort for her.
How could I be so stupid