why do i feel guilty???


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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my best friends girlfriend had a miscarraige 3 weeks ago, and today i found out that a girl i know that was due 2 days after me had a miscarraige too! :(

I'm really upset for them, and can't help feeling guilty!

mum and OH are telling me to stop being so stupid:wall2:

my bubs is kicking away and they are going through so much heartache

so sorry for a silly thread but i don't know why i feel like this!
sounds like survivors guilt. like when someone survives an accident that kills others they feel guilty for being alive. you can imagine how they feel and how jealous you would be of you if your situations were reversed. its normal hun, nothing you can do tho theire just werent meant to be and your lucky. just make sure your there for them if they want/need you and carry on enjoying your babs.
yes I understand completely and no its not stupid darlin it affects us all differently doesnt it and BevG is right, you can carry on enjoying your pregnancy as they wouldnt want you to go through what theyve gone through, but just keep things low key with them. Thats what I do with my gfriends who have miscarried or cant conceive at this moment in time chin up poppett xxx
:hugs: i sort of felt the same teling a friend of mine i was expecting when she'd just suffered 2 losses very close together,

I think its also because your obv a caring person and worry about how your friends feel, nothing wrong with that.

Also agree they probably wouldnt want you feling bad,

Sending you my love xxx
id feel the same hun, but they wuldnt want you to feel like that im sure so try to enjoy your pregnancy x
I've felt like that as my aunt has had 2 one before I got pregnant but one since. She is genuinely happy for me and wants to be involved. Please don't worry yourself!

You've got a heart of gold :)
I know what you mean. My cousins girlfriend had a miscarriage several weeks ago and then my friend had one a few weeks ago :( I felt so sorry for them both but at the same time so grateful for my baby girl :(

Fortunately my cousins girlfriend is pregnant again and heading off to her 12 week scan soon! FX everything is alright this time round. xxx
I completely understand you. I have started telling people at work that I'm pregnant and I'm dreading to tell it to one collegue who lost their child...

We'll just have to try to not feel guilty, and think that their time will come!!

thanks girls....

i'm just so grateful for my LO and can only imagine the heartache!!

feeling a lot better now, think it might have been the shock of it :(
I know how you feel hun, I have 3 friends that have all miscarried recently, I felt so bad for them all. Even now when I post something on Facebook and its to do with our little lady, I make it so they cant see the posts because I am scared I will upset them x x x
when i got pregnant with Jasper, my friend was in her final (and unsucessful) round of IVF :( I felt awful that i just 'happened' to get pregnant and she had gone through all that pain to not get pregnant... I got pregnant again without trying and i just think life can be very unfair sometimes.

all we can do is give our babies the most awesome lives we possibly can, because thats the best courtesy we can give to those who have been unfortunate to loose babies or not able to make them easily x

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