I feel really guilty


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I feel really, really guilty this morning I completely lost the plot at DS over nothing at all really. All he did was not listen to me like kids do!! And i lost the plot.

I have apologised to him and we've made up but I can't believe how I flew off the handle at him over nothing that bad.

I feel so awful
I made him cry :oops:

Luckily he is old enough to understand because i'm pregnant i'm a bit irrational but he didn't deserve the way I carried on.
Make him some nice tea and that'll cheer him up. Don't worry - kids get over things really quickly :D
How old is your DS? I warned mine in advance and if I start to get grumpy he just says, here we go again, baby brain! And I can't help but laugh at him, he's such a good boy and knows completely how to handle me when i get angry. I have made him cry in the past though but don't beat yourself up, children are very forgiving. Have a :hug: anyway
DS is 11 bless him he understands what is happening and why i'm a moody mum at the moment. We have had a good day together for the rest of the day. I think i'm forgiven :wink:
i know its terrible when you have a go at your kids and you KNOW your being unreasonable.

I had a massive go at my daughter for knocking 3 or 4 of her bindee beads onto the floor, and when i looked round, she was there on her hands and knees picking up bits of fluff and other crap off the carpet so that "you dont have to hoover mummy". That was it then, i sat on the kitchem floor for about and hour crying.I felt awful. Shes only littlle. I feel awful just thinking about it. :cry:

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