Why around time of AF do I feel so down?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Last month - I had the heaviest longest bleed ever so I thought that was why I was feeling so down.
Niw this month - Af is due in a cple of days and I feel like crap again!
Just miserable, flat as a pancake, no motivation , just feel like crying. Is this just my hormones still.??

Jut ate two (yes two just to feel really naughty) choc chip muffins with a latte - so thats helped a bit. (not helped the backside tho! & I ve just been to the gym !!)

Does anyone else feel like this?xx :wall2:
always hun even more so after MC as it reminds me every time about it. HOrmones are shit arnt they, i get very weepy and mardy
I am not in great shape emotionally at any time of the month at the moment (I hold it together for the most part but my poor OH is bearing the brunt of it!!)

There if course physiological reasons for feeling like crap BUT I think a lot of it is also mental / emotional as well.

Even on a subconscious level our PMT symptoms make us sad as we're not "meant" to be getting our period because we're "meant" to be pregnant.

It will get easier with time hun (I hope!!)

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i know exactly how you ladies feel, i had 2 MC this year and i really struggled to cope. Especially on the dates where i was meant to have scans, MW appointments etc i fet like everyday was a reminder that i 'should have been pregnant' i also went through a stage where i blamed myself. but just try to keep strong (i know its much easier said than done) If anyone needs to talk feel free to PM me xx

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