Who's using pregnancy as an excuse to over indulge ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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...cos i certainly am :whistle:

With my love of food going down hill fast with the dreaded ms i have found that ice cream is going down a treat and doesnt make me gag/feel sick etc...usually my OH would moan at the cost of a tub of ben and jerrys but...because i am pregnant he's not moaned once and i can get away with eating the full tub to my self :oooo: without my OH making some comment about putting on weight etc muhahahahaha!!!!! And i am milking all this soooooooo much :lol:

I do overindulge, but only at weekends, otherwise I'd feel SOOOO guilty!
I have been eating too much. Especially on the biscuits and cake front.

I'm regretting it now though. Lol.
I've tried not too cos i'm petrified of having a huge baby. :shock: xx
Yes yes says she who is on her 2nd pack of Monster Munch at lunchtime lol!!!!:lol::lol:
I have been trying not to over indulge but failing :(
my motto..."i'm gonna get fat anyway" :rofl: i'll concentrate on the dieting when bubs is here hehe!! When i was pregnant with my DD i had a thing for fresh cream cakes and buns :lol: DD didnt come out a big baby...she weighed 6lb 2...although i did notice that when she was born i weighed an extra stone and half to what i had done before i got preggers :oooo: ooops!! xx
yep I certainly have been, I just cant help it , iv been soooo sick the only thing that helps is eating constantly and for some reason its only unhealthy stuff that doesnt make me trow up

Iv piled on the weight and been too tired to do any exercise at all but hey ho il worry aobut that after shes born lol
yep, chocolate and sweets but they have stoped me feeling sick.... think my husband has got craving for ben and jerry's fudge cake icecream thing, cause hes going threw them loads!!
So didn't wanted to give in, but I'm afraid I have...! Big time over indulger here... Oops!
I've kind of been indulging in as much as I've only wanted chocolate lol, but I'm pleased because when I had my booking in appointment I was 3 stone less heavy than I was in July 2010 :)
haha i was exactly the same as i was at my last booking in appointment in august and i'm way more far gone than i was then :) so at least i havent gained any weight...YET!!! to be honest girls...its the only time ever that we are gonna get away with it :) hehe!! xx
lol i feel like the odd one out. even today ive been bad and eaten 2 share size bags of crisps from asda but apart from that ive only had an apple so i kinda think it balances out if im not having meals as well.......
Yep, i've been replacing drinking/socialising for eating/sleeping. At the moment i like nothing better than treating myself to a nice takeaway and piece of cake to eat afterwards in bed, whack my fan heater on and curl up with a good book or some crap telly. I'm making the most of my laziness while i can. I know when i move out after xmas and when baby comes in april, it's allllllllll gona change lol x
I would say that I haven't been eating just because I'm pregnant, but I have been eating more as I seem to be constantly starving! So after lunch I'm still hungry so I'll have a bag of crisps. An trying to just have an apple in the evenings though as a) I don't want a big baby and b) I've put on 8lbs already! x
yes...chocolates and crisps...i didn't have any morning sickness but i felt hungover and when i ate i felt so much better so i was eating alot in my first tri...now i'm coming to the end of tri 2 and i'm already 2 stone heavier than when i started! :shock: dreading to see what my final weight gain will be! Oh well enjoying it while it lasts! :)
I wish I had the appetite to over indulge! The only thing iv had more of is sweets. Been nibbling on wine gums and skittles cos they help the sickness. Hardly eat much else at all. Nibble crumpets and toast but that's about it. Have had the odd take away but they have come straight back up again and it put me off so I'm not bothering anymore!

Iv lost half a stone since iv been pregnant!! Sure il make up for it later on though! I miss food!!
with my morning sickness easing off as the day goes on i have noticed that i am deffo making up for the weeks where i hardly ate anything...today i've had a ham salad sarni...ok...nice and healthy :) but then afterwards i had a fresh cream strawberry tart....yum bloody yum :lol: xx
I'm not but I have literally just the lost 3 1/2 stone I gained with my daughter and I can't bear to feel the way I did after she was born about myself so I'm trying to still exercise and be really careful plus I have no appetite anyway which helps I have gained 2lb so far and by this point last time I had gained a stone so I'm doing really well!
I don't seem to have enough room to over indulge :(! And I've lost my appetite completely atm which is nice as I know I'm not eating too much rubbish that I will completely regret, but it would be nice just to be able to finish my tea sometimes!

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