Whos told the Inlaws??


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Well me and DH sadly dont have any parents alive but he has a sister and brother who have kinda mothered him for the last twenty years so they almost the same lol! They ok really!

Early days we know but its what we wanted to do and it felt right to do so!

So we decided that while we were at a family gathering last night we would tell them!

But then the bloody neighbours and childminder came over and the extended inlaws so we didnt get a chance to tell them altogether so we had to wait till everyone left but Davids sister and family had left at 7 coz they were going elsewhere!​

So anyway.....this is kinda how it went!​

JACK...........Uncle david will you put my PJs on?
DAVID............Yeah come over here then Jack!
Spur of the moment interuption to help him along! ME...Oh jack, uncle Davids out of practice putting little pjs on isnt he coz hes putting your top on your feet!
JACK.......Ha silly uncle David!
DAVID.......I know I had better get into practice hadnt I?​

BROTHER JOHN............Eyes open wide.....WHAT??​

DAVID........I said I had better get into practice hadnt I!​

JOHN LOOKS AT ME.............Your not???​

ME..........BIG GRINNN......We are!!​

JOHN..............Noooooooo your not...haaaaaa!​

DAVID..............Ermmmm yes were having a baby and its due 28th March!​

JOHN.............Haaaaaaaaaaaaa......are you winding me up??​

ME..........No serisoulsy were pregnant!​

(this 'are you winding me up' went on for about 5 mins)​

JOHN........Kathryn, are they realy having a baby?​

KATHRYN.........Yes Uncle John and I cant wait Im eventually getting a brother or sister!​


JOHN........Are you really serious tho?​


Ha how funny was that announcement to Davids Brother and sister in law who by the way didnt say a word think she was so shocked!!!!​

Then we had to do it all again once we left their and headed to davids sisters!​

Heres how that one went!​

DAVID ON PHONE TO HIS SISTER.....Hi I forgot to get the DVDs off you earlier so thought wed pop over for them on the way home is that ok?​

JULIE......Ah no probs....yeah just head down will stick kettle on.​

DAVID.......Ok champion will have a quick one!​

JULIE.......Was Jack tired when we left?​

ME......Yeah and boiling hot bless him!​

JULIE.......Ahhh bless him....eeee how weird is it all ours are grown up and jacks still only four!​

DAVID.......Yeah I know....would you not want another one Julie?​

JULIE..........Bloody hell no way mine are 18 and 21 now why would I lol?​

DAVID.............I know well look at us....16year old and doing it all again!​


DAVID...........Were having a baby!​

JULIE.........'mouth drops and looks at me'! Really?​

ME......BIG GRINNN AGAIN.....Yeah seriously!​

JULIE......Are yous happy? Was it planned? Had yous been trying?​

ME.......Oh god yes been trying since Jan!​

Comes and gives us all a big cuddles and wells up!​

JULIE......Ah Im sooo happy for yous ahhh thats fab eeeeee another little kilvy!​

You getting the picture here ladies?​

So telling them went down well and although we didnt get any response AT ALL from his brothers wife. lol...his brother, sister and her husband were thrilled to bits for us!​

So thats that done!​

How did your announcements to the inlaws go??​

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Thanks Lacey..... :-) Wish Id had the camera ready for their reaction pics....they were great! lol xx
So glad it went well.

Our announcements went surprisingly well although we were both kn total shock ourselves.
We hadn't planned to have a baby.
[retty much both sets of parents went 'ahhhhh nooooooo' lol
Congrats Tufty!! Glad you got a good reception! lol xxx

Ah Matilda was that an ahhhhh nooooo in a bad way? xx
That's a brilliant story. I showed my mum a pic of the BFP I'd taken on my phone. She was so happy, after losing her mum and dad (my granparents) at the start of the year it was some much needed good news. She rubbed my tummy and said "stay put baby" My dad was really chuffed too, but he is a quiet person, lol. Hubby told his mum and she was very happy and I think started crying on the phone.
Thanks Mrs B!! Ahhh that was ar eally nice surprise for your Mam wasnt it ...... Ahhh i no how my parents reacted when I announced I was expecting Kate so Im sure their smiling and happy for us where ever they are!

Love it xx
It was lovely for her. I bet they are smiling and happy for you.

I am telling myself that baby b is a little blessing from them and they are watching over us as they wont be here to meet their great granchild in person. My due date is between what will be the first year since they both passed away. Always brings a tear to my eyes to think they wont here.
Ah bless! Im sure they will be helping babyb along the way tho and will know when he or she arrives! Its sad isnt it when our loved ones arnt here to share these great moments with us xx
Our announcement to OHs parents was dire. But then they pretty much are dire. OH asked his mum to come into the living room cos he had something to tell them. Then his dad carried on watching tv so he asked him to turn it off. His dad muted it.

So OH just said basically we came down this weekend cos we wanted to tell you before anyone else that we're going to be having a baby.

Silence. OHs mum looks from me to him with disbelief. His Dads eyes do not at any point leave the tv or register any response at all. So OH says "we've just been talking about names and stuff and wondered what you guys thought ..." and his mum said "Dont think about names yet its too early, you know you could have a miscarriage" then his dad turned the volume back up so he wouldnt miss too much of his programme.

I really cant stand OHs parents!!!!
OMG Tiny thats horrible!!! Goodness Id be steering cleare from them if thats what their like! xxx
hehe I know, they dont bother to come and visit us anyway so its alright. Just feel sad for OH cos my side of the family are so supportive,sometimes maybe too supportive. They treat my OH like their son anyway, always have done.

I suppose its just their way. We invited them over for christmas day and theyve already said no, their only grandchilds first christmas. Ah well, you cant help some people. If it were my choice Id never bother with them but its OHs parents, and I cant make that decision for him.
Ah thats so sad! I know what you mean tho and as long as you and your SH and lo are happy then let them get on with it!

Your parents sound fab and Im sure lo will love them! xxx
Hubby asked me to tell his best mate on the phone but although we talk on the phone as soon as I got the phone Al turned round and said You're going to tell me you're pregnant aren't you so I never got to tell him lol

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